The Greatest Wish

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Hello all of you, my wonderful and amazing readers, I am here again writing another story,

Even though I should be updating my other stories. I even had another story written on here, but I never got to publsh it and my computer crashed. So this is another story that I am just writting now.

If you love Alex Pettyfer or Tom Felton, leave me a comment saying so. And I will love you forever.

Random much? Nahhh, I just saw both Beastly and I am Number Four, mostly because of Alex Pettyfer but also because I love the books.  And Tom Felton because... Well who doesn't love a hot bad boy Slytherin?

So, without further ado, here is my new story. And tell me what you think!


Chapter One:

Every year that passed I always had one recurring wish, actually make that two but let's just start with the first wish now. There is always this ball every year that only the fortunate get to go to. Almost everyone is more fortunate than I, so almost everyone gets to go to the ball.

The ball is the one day of full peace for the kingdoms, where the two, Eria and Sera come together with a night full of music, dance and laughter. Where girls get to be dolled up and looked at by all of the men from both kingdoms. Their dresses flowed and their eyes sparkled as they flirted and hunted for a possible husband.

I could only watch for a distance, the dirt street across from where it was held and created my own fantasy's of what would happen to me if I was there. If someone were to take an intrest in me, with my beautiful long gown that swept the floor and caught his intrest, his eyes would take it in and light up with the excitement of the night. We would fall in love and he would sweep me off my feet to a far away land and he would always be there.

The little fantasy's that my imagination create keep me sane, healthy and keeps my hopes from completely fading away. The hope that someday life wouldn't be just me hiding and living on the streets, I would have a family and a home. Filled with love and warmth.

The second wish hurts the most, the one thing that I wish I could go back in time and make them stay with me. To have my parents with me, and my big brother as a family. I would wish for the ability to go back and wake up earlier, figure out where they went to. If they just wanted me, loved me, didn't leave me, I would be living with them and it wouldn't matter where we ended up.

Just as long as we had each other.

I was eight when they left, I had still slept with the hand made animal my mother made me for my fifth birthday, and the small blanket my aunt had sent from a different land.

Did they still think about me? Did they wish they took me with them? Do they remeber me?

The dark sky was my only companion,  the one I asked all of my questions and shared all of my secrets. It never talked back but it was a great listener. That was what I needed, but if it did talk back, maybe I wouldn't be so alone.

The vendors had all left, and the empty stands stood alone underneath the star skattered sky. I took my pick and crawled underneath the stand and curled up on my side. Waiting for the familiar blackness to creep onto and take over my mind.


There you have it.



Fan. <3

I love you all, tell me what you think and don't forget what I told you at the begining! :)

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