The Greatest Wish~ Chapter Four <3

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Here is another chapter of a story I am enjoying to watch play out in my mind, I think this is going to be a good book.

Thank you to all of the people who have commented and voted on this story, it really means a lot to me. So thank you once again. 


Sophia quickly got out of the river and dressed herself with the newly washed cloths.  She tied the red ribbon around her wrist and used the blue ribbon to tie her hair back up into the usual pony tail it was found in. 

Sophia knew that when she was to return to the town center, she would need to find a job for that day. In the town she slept under, it was very hard to hold down a job when you where a young woman. Not many people took you seriously and if they did, something would get blamed on you as fast as it possibly could. Sophia learned that from experience.

So she did what came next, did odd jobs for friendly people, and stores. Just the hassle jobs no one else wanted to do. Sometimes she even took the work from the launders and washed the cloths for them. Just to get enough money for dinner that night.

Even though it was more work to find the jobs, then to actually do them, the people she helped made the small jobs more rewarding. She made friendly faces, and a wave.  It meant the world to Sophia, seeing as she had no one to smile or wave at. When someone recognized her in a good way, her heart swelled up and a feeling of pure happiness took over, because in that moment her world wasn’t so alone. 

Sophia made her way back with the small barely noticeable pathway through the forest. The thought of someone seeing her bathe, sent a shiver of fear spiral down her spine.  Her privacy was violated and it was a serious security risk, what if someone was to find out she was living on the streets and without parents?

In her kingdom, if someone was living on the streets, especially under age, they were to be sent to an orphanage and be put to work. Sometimes they were even sold, it was horrible, and on the black market. It was always on the down low from the royalties. It made Sophia sick to her stomach to even think about the things that go on in the village, all going undetected and never being stopped.

Sophia’s heart ached, in her mind the cries of the children and parents being taken away and picked up off the streets while she hid in the shadows cut her to her very core. Not knowing what would happen to the poor children at the homes, wondering if they would grow up to be sold, and knowing that she did nothing to stop or help them.

Sophia was afraid, afraid of the unknown. She was afraid of being found out, afraid of finding out what really happened to her family. Sophia was just filled with fear and she didn’t know what to do about it. It was almost as if she was afraid, to let her fear go. A weird concept at that, but it also made her unable to move, to help the people that needed it the most.

Sophia could see the opening of the forest that lead to the main stone street in the village. She could hear the horses walk at a steady place, and the busy people carrying their things around to their carts or to their houses. The sounds of routines played around and hung in the air, there was no excitement anywhere. 

The lives of the village people were dull and almost lifeless. Sophia wondered if her life would be just like theirs if she still had her family.

Here is Chapter Four, I hope you all enjoyed it!

If you could, votes and comments are greatly appreciated.

Thank you! 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2011 ⏰

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