Chapter Two, <3

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Oh, it's you guys again. I guess you don't like the story seeing as there was no response and barley any reads. I FEEL SO LOVED. But I am going to continue this story because I like it and the whole idea of this! :3

I am updating this again, for the second day in a row, and changed the cover and the description.

Come on guys! Give me something to go on! Please?



Chapter Two:

The cold woke Sophia up before sunrise, and knowing that she would not be able to fall back into her sleep, she got up and checked her surroundings. Making sure there was no one around or watching her. She was in the clear, or so she thought.

The sky was still pitch black a few lanterns on the street were still lit, dim but still helpful. Sophia crawled out and wiped off all of the dirt she could from her cloths. She would have to wash her cloths and bathe soon. That would potentially bring problems to her, seeing as the women that use the same stream she usually uses have been using it at all times. Leaving no privacy and an higher risk of being caught.

She pulled her dirty, long, blond hair up and tied it with her worn out red ribbon. Looking out at the empty street, Sophia lost herself in her imagination, watching the street light up and people walking around laughing, and she was wearing beautiful cloths, there was a violinist and he was playing wonderful music. It filled her heart with an incredible warmth. Some of the people started to dance and Sophia watched in wonder. They were all so carefree and she couldn't help but join in.

A group of girls giggling came over to her and started to dance with her, they called Sophia by her name and then Sophia knew that they were her old friends. She laughed and danced with them to the violin. It felt as if it was real rather than just a dream and Sophia thrived to be there in her actual person.

Sophia didn't notice that she was actually dancing until someone started to clap for her. Making her squeak and jump back. Hoping that it wasn't a soldier so she wouldn't be caught.

Biting her chapped and almost bloody lips she slowly looked towards the intruder. It was a man, maybe a little younger than a man actually. A year or so older than Sophia herself.

He was handsome to say the least, his brown hair swaying slightly from the wind and his strong hazel eyes that shone in amusement. Sophia sighed in relief, his clothing was of normal descent and not that of a soldier. She was safe, as far as being taken away.

Strong cheek bones stood out and light bags under his eyes showed that he wasn't rich but was pretty well fed. Unlike her self with her stick like figure from the lack of nourishment that has accumulated over the years she was abandoned. Her sunken features dashed with dirt and scratches along with her dirty and tattered cloths. Rags were a better description of her cloths to be more exact.

A light blush made it's way to Sophia's cheeks, shining through the dirt there just barely.

His voice is what shocked her, it was deep and caressed her being like the soft grass under her bare feet on a beautiful mid-summers day. A light tickle but so pleasant, "You are a great dancer, are you perhaps a gypsy fine lady?"

Sophia's eyes widened and she shook her head, "No sir, just a peasant girl from a poor family is all sire. Sorry to be in your way." She tilted her head and eyes to the ground not wanting to be a bother to the man.

A soft chuckle drifted from the man's lips, a smile playing on his face as well.

"My lady, there is no need for those pleasantries. There will be no need for those in the future."

Sophia's head shot up as it felt as if she was suddenly soaked in an ice like bath of confusion.

"The future sir? I don't think we will cross paths again, am I miss lead sir?" She questioned the handsome man.

His smile lit up his face, "The future has us crossing paths many times, my lady. "

Sophia couldn't help but like the idea of seeing him again, but it could also be dangerous to her being found out.

"So be it Sir, I have to be on my way, may our paths cross when I am in better shape as well." Sophia smiled lightly at him, showing him a glimpse of her that not many have ever seen.

"It was a very pleasant meeting you, my lady. But before you leave, may I ask your name?"

"Sophia, sir. Is it alright to ask for yours as well?" Sophia asked meekly.

"My name is Crest, Lady Sophia I hope to be seeing you soon."

The wind blew forcefully then, Sophia nodded her head the ribbon untying from her hair and floating with the wind. Her eyes widened and she ran after it, leaving behind Crest watching her with an profound curiosity.

The mysterious girl, dirty and in something close to rags was the one girl to catch his attention rather than any of the higher class girls from his court. How strange.


Sophia ran after her worn ribbon, it was her last piece of ribbon and she couldn't afford to lose it. The wind carried it far and when the wind let the ribbon go it was on a high tree branch.

The tree itself was large, it was tall and wide with branches everywhere. Sophia knew she had no choice, she had to climb the tree and rescue her ribbon from the monstrous tree. Placing her foot on the lowest branch she slowly started to climb the tree, hand, hand, pull, foot, foot, hand, hand, pull, foot, foot. A slow repetitive routine that had her to the branch in a little less than an half an hour.

Reaching her hand slowly towards the ribbon, it was just out of reach. Closing her eyes in disbelief, Sophia crawled onto the branch and inched her way to the red fabric. Grasping in into her hand, she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in. Then she heard something that chilled her blood cold.

A snap.

She jerked her head towards the tree, and of course the branch she was on, was the branch that was breaking. Making slow movements still, she made her way to the trunk of the tree. But before she could get there, the branch broke off of the tree and she was in the air heading towards the ground and fast at that too.

Sophia clenched her eyes and waited for the impact.



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