Chapter Three <3

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Hello you! 

Here is another chapter of The Greatest Wish! :)

I really like this story and the plot I have set in my head, but not many people have told me they liked it or even read it. But I want to enter it into Watty Awards, but I am afriad that no one will vote or even like it so it will go down un-noticed. 


Chapter Three:

Instead of the impact of the ground, Sophia's attempts of trying to catch and hold onto a branch payed off. Her right hand managed to grab a hold of a thick branch of the tree. A sigh of relief escaped her red, chapped lips. The red ribbon that had cause all of the trouble dangled from inbetween her fingers. 

She grabbed onto the same branch with her other hand, and found a steady branch for her feet to rest. Once she was balanced, Sophia looked around to find a safe and easy path to the ground without another incident like that happening. 

Suddenly, she felt eyes watching her. A slight shiver ran down her spine, scaring her. She looked around to find the intruder that was watching her. While she wasn't paying attention to where her feet were being placed, her right foot slipped of the branch and almost caused her to fall agian. 

Regaining her composure, Sophia focused on getting down first and then finding the watcher. Just as she was about to reach the bottom of the tree, Sophia heard a snap of a twig, like someone stepped on it.. 

Her head snapped towards the direction she heard it in, but the person was either really good at hiding or had already left. Shaking her head, she finally felt her feet connect with the ground. 

Sophia then took the red run away ribbon and tied her hair up once again. 

Still on red alert from before, she slowly made her way towards the river that was not to far away from where she was in the woods. This river was barley used by anyone but Sophia, no one really knew it or where it was located. Sophia loved that fact, knowing that she was one of the only people who even knew it existed. 

It was a safe place fore her to wash and be alone without a threat, someone noticing her or being in anyone's way of thier work. She didn't get to use it often though, because of all the work she did to keep her alive and somewhat fed. 

Throwing one last glance over her shoulder, the tree vanished from all view and she made her way through the woods. The trees were starting to get thicker and thicker, to where they gave off the illusion that they were about to fully close and make a solid wall. 

Finally after what seemed like an hour, the trees thinned out and the river started to appear. When she could see the river fully it took her breath away once again. 

The river was so clear, you could see the bottom of it clearly and all of the little creatures that lived there aswell. There was a small waterfall not to far down from where Sophia was and it gave the air a misty and magicial feel. 

There was lushious colorful and vivid green plants, flowers and trees surrounding the beautiful river that made it all look like a dream. It was all so pure and amazing to Sophia. 

Stripping down and throwing her cloths into a pile by the edge of the river, careful to leave enough space from the rivers edge so they would not fall in by accident. She was going to wash herself first and then her cloths, even though she probably should be doing it the other way around. But she couldn't stand being this dirty anymore so she decided to do it the unpractical way. 

To Sophia's dismay, she had to untie her hair so it could be cleaned. Sophia didn't like her hair down much, it was always in the way and seemed to get dirty much faster. 

Sophia didn't waste anytime to dive into the river, rinsing off all of the dirt, grime and everything else that had managed to make its way onto her. After she was clean, Sophia felt herself relax and she started to float ontop of the water. Letting herself bob up and down with the river current, this is one of the things Sophia loved to do.

Sophia's eyes drifted closed and she started to think about the handsome stranger from early that morning, His eyes were what stuck with her the most. They were brilliant. Sophia felt a small smile drift onto her face. He was all quite charming. 

But soon her daydreaming had to come to an end, and she made her way over to the rivers edge to grab her cloths and wash them. Only to find them clean and messily folded, and the red ribbon was placed next to a clean, pure, dark purple one. 

Sophia gasped, someone was here. They even washed her cloths and left a brand new ribbon for her. It touched her, but also scared her. 

Someone had been here. 

While she was bathing. 

Not wearing any clothing. 

Sophia felt her face heat up and taken over in a pink blush of imbarassment. 

"Thank you." She whispered into the air, maybe to be heared by the ears that did this gift for her. 

And it was heard, and taken with a small smile. 


So? How was it? 

Should I put it up for Watty Awards? I think I'm going to! :D 

Vote for me? 

Thank you for reading! 

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