Hazy Future

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**Check out my blog at http://lotsaluv.webs.com/ it has all the info on my story,when im going to upload and contests :)

Ok so this is something i have been thinking about for awhile. I'm entering it in the watty awards so any votes and comments I will be very thankful for! Any ideas are more then welcome.







" I can't believe we had to do this"  I complained to my partner Sky. The mud that was up to my knees was making my socks wet.

"haha well then you shouldn't have told Green that his son was a pervert" Sky whispered back.We were almost where we had to be. Only a few more minutes of this mud and then I get to go home and take a nice hot bath.

"Well it was true, the only reason I even went out on a date with him was because Green told me too."  Captain green can be amazing at times and sometimes he can just be a huge pain in the ass.  Take this for example. We are standing knee deep in mud waiting for a supposed criminal who just broke out of jail to come threw this path. God only knows how Green knew that he would be here, but some how he always does.

"OK its  o'clock and no 'Escaped convict' anywhere in..." She was cut of my a person dressed in black running threw the mud.

"Well... Maybe he wasn't lying after all" Sky declared as we stated running. You would think that the mud would slow us down but nope, we have been trained for this. The convict on the other hand. didn't seem to know what he was doing at all. 

I ran until I was parallel to the convict. He smelled like old cigarets and leather. Lunging at him we both landed in the mud. We wrestled for about 3 mins before I managed to slap some cuffs on him.

"Ok dude, lets get you back so that you can finished your time.  Hmm wonder what escaping will add to it?Ten? Fifteen years?" I asked him as we made our way back to my car. Once we got in and buckled him into the back we made our way back to the office.

"You know I might escape again if it gets me a pretty young girl to jump me"  He wheezed out at me.

Before I had time to tell him to shove it I heard the sound of glass shattering. Shards of it lodged into my skin causing me to swear under my breath as I attempted to get my car under control.

"shit" I swore under my breath. "Who would be shooting at us?" I asked sky.

"Well I could definitely think of a few"  She said with a smirk.

I looked quickly behind me to see that our con was rocking back and forth and was... praying? I think that's what he was mumbling about. That was the last think I say before our car rolled into the ditch. It rolled for what felt like hours until I eventually blacked out.

Opening my eyes the world around me slowly came into focus. Thoughts on the attack can flooding back to me, taking a look around I noticed that the con had a bullet hole in his head. Oh well at lest he docent have to worry about going back to prison.

Glancing next me I winced when I turned my head, I'm definitely going to feel that in the morning.

Thats when I noticed the blood. It was all over skys face, you could barely make out what she looked liked. If I hadn't known her for 3 years I probably wouldn't even know it's her. I mad quick work with getting my seat belt undone. 

I made my way over to her in a half crawl half dragging way, I pushed some of her black hair from her face to see the eyes she was named after for their abnormally light blue, looking back at me. The same eyes that gave me my coffee each morning. The ones that got a glint in them when she figured something out. The ones that got darker when se knew she had been lied to. 

The ones that belonged to my partner and my best friend.

The same ones that were dead.


Thanks for reading and don't forget to




I'm in the watty awards to every vote counts!


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