Hazzy Future Chap.4

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 **Check out my blog at http://lotsaluv.webs.com/ it has all the info on my story,when im going to upload and contests :)

OK, yes this is like 2 weeks late. I'M SORRY! Hope you will comment and vote! it makes me feel all warmand fuzzy inside when I see that people have commented and voted :) 

Anyway on with the story!...


I opened my eyes lazily letting my surrounding become clearer. In the distance I heard the distinct sound of  my phone alarm informing me that it was time to get up. 4:00. That should be enough time to get a run in. With that in mind I went to get my running shorts on.

You would think there would be more people on the beach at 4:30. Oh well more time space for me. I felt my pace even out as I got lost in my thoughts.

Suddenly, I ran into a rather hard wall and fell on my butt.

“Oh, shit are you ok?” I looked up to see a man around my age with blond hair. Typical Miami boy. He offered me his hand out to help me, up witch I gladly took.

“yeah I’m fine, sorry I didn’t even see you there.”

“I’m  Trey Morris”

“Emily Hazze” 

“So what’s a pretty girl like you doing out here at 5 am” His eyes sparked and his mouth formed a smirk as his eyes traveled my body. He obviously doesn’t know about my gun that’s in the inside pocket of my shorts.

“Oh I was just sleep walking and found myself on the beach” I replied sarcastically of my own.

“Well then, would you like to continue your ‘Sleep walk’ With me?” He asked with hope on his face.


We made our way down the beach and by the time we came back to my ‘house’ witch was really a house down the street from mine. You can never be too careful about who you show your house to. I was sweating bullets. This guy was good, almost better then me. Key word: Almost.

I quickly took a shower and made some breakfast. Hastily turning on my alarm system as I shut the door.

Sitting down on my desk I noticed that Winters wasn’t here yet. Late on his first day hmm he won’t last long. 

Jut as that thought of him being fired entered my mind he came threw the office doors holding two coffees in his hand. He silently put one down on my desk and walked over to his. Witch was, conveniently right in front of me.

“Thanks,” I said taking the coffee. Yumm, He had the exactly one I love, A mocha chino with chocolate sprinkled on the top of the whip cream.

“No problem, I thought that we should start our official first day as partners off good.” What was going on in that head of his? He seemed way to cheerful for being here at 6 am.

“Plus, I heard that the more your partner likes you on the job the more they like you out of the job” He added with a wink. 

Before I could formulate a good answer Mary called down from the board room.  She was short, about 5’3 with pixie cut black hair. But she can be one hell of a nagger when you don’t come when she calls. 

“Last night a U.S marine was killed by a drive by shooting. He was in the middle of making a new type of bomb. They want to make sure that no one else knows about it. Well no one that shouldn’t know about it.” Mary told us as she showed us the file on  the u.s marine.

“Well why do they want us? Shouldn’t this be for some other branch of the F.B.I?” Winters asked looking confused.

“Usually it would be, but the shooter that we caught on camera was one of Emily’s old cases. So they want her on this one. And you, as her partner are going with her.”

“What old case?”  I asked intrigued

“The Mark Smith case.”

“He should be in jail though.” I said flabbergasted.

“He went missing when they had a mass breakout last month. No one has heard from him until now. “ This wasn’t good Mark was a very dangerous man. And no doubt I was the top of his hit list. Not to mention that no one knew how 5 of the prisoners got out, that was always great.

“Ok so wheels up in 30 minutes” She told us as she left the room.

“Ready for our first road trip together?” Winters asked with excitement in his eyes.

“Just met me back here in 20 minutes ok.” I told him as I started to call Cindy. Bears care taker when I’m gone. She’s used to me calling her last minute. She is one of the few who I can trust bear with.


ONce again thanks for reading! your support inspires me to keep writing. 

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