Chapter 5 :)

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OK so This is sorta a filler chapter but the last part of it is a important part that comes into play soon. So as crappy as this chapter is it was important.

Please let me know what you think of it and be as honest as you want. I'm a big girl and can take it :)

Thank you to all my fans and everyone who comments and votes You have no idea how happy I feel knowing you like my story.

Anyway On with the story...

Don't forget to comment, vote and fan :) 


We arrived in the Vegas airport in about 40 minutes. Steeping out of the plane I squinted through the sun looking for the car that was supost to pick us up. Seeing the black Jeep with a guy dressed as a cop in front of it. Guessing that’s our ride.

“Wow is it ever hot here” Drake whined as he came out behind me. (His full name is Drake Winters so I will switch up his name some times) 

“It’s not that much hotter then L.A” 

“Yeah, your right. It’s probably only hotter because I’m here” He replied with a smirk playing on his lips. 

“Hello. I’m Officer Lawson and I was told to come and pick up two agents from the FBI. You haven’t happened to see them around have you?” The Officer said with an accent and a playful smile on his lips.

“Why no I don’t think I have. Do you think you could give us a ride instead?” I replied with sarcasm of my own. “I’m special agent Emily Hazze and this is my partner Drake Winters.”

“You are even more beautiful then I thought you would be.” 

“You know girls really don’t fall for the whole accent bit. It’s kind of overrated.” I told him, my face completely serious.

“Really?” He looked at me with doubt in his eyes, the corners of his lips falling down slightly.

“Nope!” I laughed as I jumped in the car.

“If you to are done I would like to get back to this case.” Winter said through gritted teeth.

“Of course." Get in.” Officer Lawson said all playfulness gone. As soon as we pulled away the car was silent. I looked into the front mirror and saw Lawson looking at me intensely. I just shrugged it off and looked around at the scenery. Ok more like the dessert.

“Wow is it ever hot here” Drake whined as he came out behind me. (His full name is Drake Winters so I will switch up his name some times) 

“It’s not that much hotter then L.A” 

“Yeah, your right. It’s probably only hotter because I’m here” He replied with a smirk playing on his lips. 

We finally made it to the hotel after a very awkward car drive. Walking into the lobby and I was overwhelmed by the sight. If you only looked at the outside it would look like a trashy place that only the homeless or run-away would sleep in. But the inside was gorgeous looking. The carpets were a lush red and everything else was gold. There was a sitting area in the corner that had a fireplace crackling in it.

Drake whistle “Well would you look at that. Jackson wasn’t kidding when she said that the higher up you get the more special treatment they shove at ya”

“Who the hell is Jackson?” I was way too tired from the flight to bother with being polite. 

“My old partner. Why? Is little Emmy getting jealous?” He smirked at me.


“Jealous?” I shrieked “I pity the poor girl who had to put up with you before.”

“Ouch, Emmy. You better be careful or someone will think you don’t like me.”

After we got settled into our rooms we made our way down to the local police department to set up.

“Hello my names Emily Hazze and this is agent Drake Winters.” I introduced us to the police chef. He was about middle aged and had a reseeding hair line to prove it. He had worry line on his forehead. A sign that he’s been on this force for awhile.

“Police Chief Montgomery. Come, I’ll fill you in.” He told us as he walked into the other room. I nodded at Drake to follow. Of course, He was too busy to notice it as he was checking out one of the female officer’s ass. So I naturally smacked him in the back of the head. 

“What?” He asked clearly annoyed.

“We are not here for you to find a new to. We have a job to do and I want it to be finished as soon as possible so that I can get back home.” 

“Fine, I’m coming. But someday we are coming back here on vacation and I can look at all the girls I want” He mumbled the last part.

The table was filled with the crime scene photos. You could hardly make out what happened to the man. There was blood all over him. 

“If I wasn’t filled in advance I would think this guy was a sadist. But sense I was I have a petty good idea that this was not just a drive by shooting.” I thought out loud. I wonder how many shots the poor guy took…

“Do you have any suspects yet?”

“Not yet Mr. Winters, Honestly if the guy wasn’t so important we probably would have just filled it under a drive by shooting and the case would get cold” 

“How many shots did he take?” Drake asked. Hmm, guess we did sort of think the same way.

“72, gun was a MK 47”

“So where do we start?” I asked the police chief.

“Well I was hoping you could tell us. You were the one to catch him last time.” He looked at me expectantly.

Oh great I get to re catch the guy that shot me. Lucky me.


Once again SO SORRY for the filler i just had some writers block.

Let me know what you think of Lawson. On that note I need a name for him. Ok so his character: British, Hot, Black hair, police officer, Hot and did I mention british ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2011 ⏰

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