My First Day

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I walk cutely into my first class of the day, "Kiting for Dummies"
It's taught by a large hulking man holding a tiny shark and surrounded by large dolls who's heads bounce like bobble head figurines. I look at his name tag, it says Professional Leo.
He turns to me as I enter the doorway

"Hello Miss (y/n) Glad you've finally joined us! Please introduce yourself to the class"

I cough loudly bc I'm nervous, there's so manny people looking at me and I can feel my face turning red (🍒 like this)

"um Hello, m-my name (y/n) half vampire, half werewolf, half demon, half fairy, half mermaid, half vampire again and it's very nice to meat you!"

The class is entirely silant, staring at me with their large buttony eyes until they erupt into claps and cheers, I even here the nearby cowboy, under his breath whisper "Damn... there's a snake in MY boot!"

After the crowd hushed down, Mr. Professional Leo assigned my seat, back of the class in the corner. Next to a man named Norton.

I made my way to the back of the class, noticing the empty desk which was meant for me. I sat down, smoothing out my mormanly length skirt. (Down to the ankles.)

As Mr. Professional Leo continued with his lecture, The man in the desk next to me looked at me, with a dangerous smirk that could mean no good.

As I tried to pay attention to Mr. Professional Leo's lesson on how to avoid terror shocks, I just couldn't resist.

I looked over, to catch him staring!

"Hey." He whispered, blinking on eye at a time.

I blushed at this. How could such a perfectly sculpted man exist?

"H-H-H-H-H-Hey!" I tucked a couple of strands behind my perfect main character ear.

"You new here, bonita?" His teeth shined as he smiled.

I batted my eyelashes. "Y-Yes... I transferred here today... From Massachusetts." My face was getting hotter and redder by the second.

As our conversation was getting good, the bell rang, alerting us to get to our next class. Norton stood, revealing his amazing build. I was starstruck at the sight of just his fine set of milkers alone.

I looked back down at my schedule, trying not to stare TOO much.

"Huh, looks like I have Decoding class next!" I tucked my hair behind my ear.

Norton chuckled. "What a coincidence, I do too."

My heart fluttered!

We made our way down the hallway, chatting. It was like heaven! But soon my trip to heaven would be ruined as the devil herself dragged me back down to hell.

A girl stormed at us as her hips swayed, knocking people left and right out of her path. She stopped and grabbed norton by his suspenders, snapping them.

"Hey schnookums!" She wrapped her arms around him, seducing him. My stomach dropped.

"I can't wait to see what you get me for our One hour anniversary!"

Woah. One hour? That's like... When couples get serious! The girl looked at me, the light in her eyes dying. She cleared her throat and ruffled his hair.

"So, who's this? New friend? Hmm?" She eyed me up and down.

But the real question was, who the hell was this? As I eyed her details, I picked up a few things. First, you could see brown hair under the poorly placed blonde wig. Second, she was wearing a suit under the pink dress. Not to mention the dress was unzipped and backwards, with a tag popped out. And to top it off, the three week old stubble on the chin.

This was no woman. This was a man.
(We are not trying to be offensive whatsoever. This is just Kreacher Pierson.)

Norton smiled, revealing his white pearls.

"Don't worry Kreacherina, this is just a friend!"

He kneeled down, giving her a kiss I would've died to receive.

As great as I expected my first day to be, I was soon to be disappointed.

Norton... Had a girlfriend.

 Had a girlfriend

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