Fashion Showdown P.1

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My first day at Manor High was coming to an end.

Which means, one hour before I meet at the school pool.

As the schol day ended, everyone was headed towards the dorms. I decided to let Mike stay with me, since he ever so kindly offered to walk me to my dorm! (So kind and handsome!)

Me and Mike walked down the hallway to the dorms, he was twiddling with his fingers as he spoke to me. Could he.. like me? No, that's nonsense! He couldn't like a girl as different as me... Could he?

Since I was new, I had no idea who I was sharing my dorm with. As we arrived at the dorm, I noticed a weird scent coming from the door. Mike noticed it too, holding his nose.

"That stuff is stunk stunk." Mike was on the verge of tears due to the funky smell...

I slowly and CAUTIOUSLY... put the key in...

I opened the door.

And there I saw, Norton Campbell.

"Hello, my beautiful, delicate, gorgeous, divine, ethereal-" Norton stopped when he saw Mike standing next to me.

"Y/N, half vampire half werewolf half demon half fairy half mermaid half vampire again... Who is THIS?" He crossed his arms.

Mike scoffed. "Listen here pally-o-pal, I'm her best-friend! Her partner in crime!"
Mike and Norton growled at each other.
I've never had TWO boys fight over me... Since I'm not like other girls... I'm... DIFFERENT!

Norton grabbed me and burrowed my face into his ginormous pecs.

"MMPH-" I was slowly suffocating!

"Get out of me and Y/N half vampire half demon half werewolf half fairy half mermaid half vampire again's dorm!" Norton gritted his teeth.

Mike grabbed me back.

"No, YOU get out of the dorm!" Mike was carrying me bridal style.

Norton snatched me, slinging me over his shoulder.

"That doesn't even make sense!"

Mike grabbed me by the ankle, and all of my coins fell out of my pocket! I was hanging upside down!

Norton gasped. "Her coins! How dare you mishandle m'lady!"

He then shoved mike out, causing me to fall out of Mike's grasp and into Norton's. He slammed the door on Mike.

"AND STAY OUT!" Norton screamed.

I was so goo goo eyed at this! He would save my quarters... for me? Wow! But... I do feel bad for Mike. Except Mike was a pussy-ass bitch, so i didn't feel TOO bad lmao. Anyways,

Norton set me down gently onto my bed.

"Hey..." Norton scratched the back of his head.

"Y-Yes?" I looked up at him, flustered!

"Since you're so special to me... I've decided to show you my clog collection!" He bounced his eyebrows at me.

(A clog is a wooden shoe.)

Norton grabbed my hand and led me to his room

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Norton grabbed my hand and led me to his room. This is so romantic! His clog collection? You HAVE to be seriously in love with someone to show your CLOG collection. I think I'm falling for Norton- Hard!

"These... THESE are my treasures." Norton opened a closet, and there were shelves FULL of clogs.

He then booped my nose. "But none are worthy of the title of treasure like you, my love."

I gasped while blushing.

"I- O-Oh! You think so?" My heart was pounding and I could barely speak.

"Of course." Norton planted a smooch on my lips.

" Norton planted a smooch on my lips

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--------TIME SKIP--------

After spending an amazing hour with Norton in our dorm, I left with an armful of clothes from my closet, even a shirt or two from Notons that he pushed into my arms just before I left, telling me to keep them.

(Manor Highs Dorms aren't Co-ed, I'm just special and new and Norton didn't have a roommate because his last roommate was his coworker who died RIP)

I made my way towards the school pool, well, I tried to, before I realized I had no idea where I was going.

"Y/N!" Someone yelled after me.

"Mike?" I turned and saw Mike barrelling down the hall towards me, and the closer he got the faster he seemed to become.
Why isn't he slowing down?

"Mike! Slow Dow-" Before I could even finish he runs into me at full speed. His fat forehead making contact with my nose, breaking it instantaneously.


We end up on the floor in a pile of twisted limbs, loose clothing and my nose blood. His finger somehow finding it's way into my mouth again. WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?

"Y/N Half vampire half werewolf half demon half fairy half mermaid half vampire again, I'm so glad I caught up to you!"

He wipes his hand across his forehead as if to wipe away sweat, only to smear my blood into his hairline. Im bleeding so much, I think I need to see a nurse?! He continues to talk, completely ignoring that he straight up broke my nose.

"I forgot that you're new, so you probably don't know your way around right? Let me show you to the pool for your fashion showdown against the Peak Tiers!"

He leans down, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the floor, still ignoring the massive pool of blood. He then gathers the clothing I had dropped, his breathtaking smile faltering when he noticed one of Norton's shirts.

"This looks a little too big to be yours Y/N, Is it....His?" He looks at the shirt as if it had personally offended him, handing it to me.

"Here, just to even the playing field, take this" At this he pulls the shirt he'd been wearing off his body, putting into the pile in my arms.

"There! That's better!"

I look at Mike in all of his half NAKEY glory. His skin was so pale, he shone like the moon. God hes pale, like bleached bone, does he ever go outside? It's mesmerizing....a little odd but mesmerizing.

"Alrighty Y/N, the pool is this way, please be careful, try not to cutely fall into the pool, in hopes someone will rescue you, okay?

I have no idea what any of that meant, but I'll agree anyway.

As I hold Mike's hand as he guides me, all I can think about is me and Norton's time together! I mean, showing me those CLOGS? It left me breathless. But at the same time, I have such a cutie holding my hand right now!

"Well here we are babypie!"

I giggled and blushed at this. Wow such a cute nickname!

We walked into the pool room, our fingers tangled together. Holding his hand calmed my nerves so much!

Everyone turned and looked at me.

Complete silence.

The whole school was there- Including Norton.

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