Filler + Freddy Riley

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To interrupt your current broadcasting system: Freddy Riley.



My name is Freddy Riley, and I'm a 38 year old 17 year old attending Manor High!
In these halls, I'm an nobody. A invisible loser amongst the Chad's and Stacy's of everyday high school.
Well, I suppose I'm not a total loser. If I were, I wouldn't have such cool friends like William Ellis and Ganji Gupta.

You see, last year I met the love of my life, the apple of my eye, the bee in my bonet, the baby powder in my trousers.
The one, the only,


But before I could confess my steaming, passionate love for her, Kreacherina's dummy thique hips sent me flying into a locker!
I was trapped in there for half a week into the summer before Mr. Burke, the janitor, heard me crying and let me out.

This year is going to be totally different, though! After the locker incident this past summer, William, Ganji and I became friends, as they were attending summer school at the time.

(Voluntarily, mind you, as they both SUPER SMART!!!!1!!!111!!!!)

One weekend while the three of us were hanging out, I told them about my feelings for Kreacherina, and how I wanted to tell her how I felt, but after being flung into that locker, I sadly haven't been able to speak the same since 😔

(TW: vERY eMOTIONAL11!!1!)
I received brain damage after my head made contact with the wall on the other side of that locker, and ever since, whenever I speak out loud, I speak like a medival beta-male.


"Howst will mine lady accept minest affections when my tone is that of bard song!?"
I exclaimed sadly to my bros.

"Hey, maybe that Romeo and Juliet chatter is something she'd be into? Chicks dig that Shakespeare crap."
Ganji offered while struggling to stick a little yellow straw into a generically named juice pouch.

"Thoust really think so?"
I asked, a small glimmer of hope twinkling in my beautiful, lawyer eyes.

"I don't know. Maybe. I'm gay."
He replied, still struggling to stab the straw into the thin, plastic barrier that kept poor Ganji from the sweet, generic Kroger-bought nectar he so desperately craved.

Milliam rolled his eyes, snatching the pouch from Ganji, and stuck the straw in properly for him.

"Confessing your feelings for someone you like is all about honesty and confidence, Fred. You have to be up front about how you feel, and accept that this person could either feel the same way, or not."
Willam began.
"Take Ganji and I for example-;"

"Thee used thy confidence to win him over?"
I inquired.

"Absolutely not. I cried trying to ask him the first time."
Wimmal corrected promptly.
"Then I threw up."


"I just like big idiots."
Ganji added, taking the juice pouch back.

"What I'm trying to say is, your confession may not be perfect, but what matters is that you're true to yourself. Most women don't need 1,000 roses, or even a box of chocolates."
Wilma continued.
"What she does need, however, is gamer fuel. DESIGNED TO GIVE YOU AN EDGE, both in gaming, and in love."
From his pocket, he pulled out a small canister and handed it to me.
"When you're ready, Freddy, (hah) give this to Kreacherina. She'll understand."

He gave me a friendly wink and patted the back of my hand. When I held the small container, it was light. Upon further inspection, I found it to be empty!
"Tis empty?" I looked to Wilbur confused.

"Trust me, she'll know."
He repeated after giving me a reassuring nod.

____________Not Flashback____________

Ever since that day back in summer school, I've put a lot of trust into my bros. I couldn't ask for better friends! And today, I was going to tell them by big plan!

Or at least I would have if it weren't for all this confusion.

As I fought against the current of excited, scrambling students, I finally made my way to Winston and Ganji, who were leaning against their lockers all cool and chill like. Wow! What a couple of gen-u-ine Chads!

"What's going on with ev'ryone?"
I asked, trying to steer clear of all the chaos.

"A lot of things."
Ah, good ole' Ganji, as insightful as ever! This told me everything I needed to know, but Wimbo continued explaining.

"Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" Winslow placed a hand on my shoulder before continuing.
"Hint: Both are bad news."

I furrowed my brow nervously.
"Um. Unfortunate events first, then?"
I answered.

"Cool. So Kreacherina is taken."

I felt my world sink. My dear Kreacherina taken from me!? The love of my life. The apple of my eye. The bee in my bonet. And now, with her love stolen from me, I had no baby powder for my itchy trousers.
To think that things couldn't get any worse was a dumb, naieve assumption on my behalf.
Just when I thought the worst news was gone, it got...

"Yeah, she got with Norton. They've been together for an hour." Wonderbra added.

Norton! That hunky womanizer! Everyone, even a lowly loser like me knew that at this school, Norton was all looks, no love!

Sure he had a sculpted body, a chiseled face, was bilingual, insanely talented, got good grades, always smelled good, had silky hair, soft skin, strong hands, giant biceps, a tiny waist, was tall, held doors open for people, respected pronouns, and had PHAT, BOUNCY MILKERS, and remembered his P's and Q's, but all of that meant NOTHING.

He didn't know how to treat a lady! He didn't value a woman for more than just her features. He likes women, but he didn't love them! Not like me, I'm a nice guy! And I know how to treat Kreacherina. Plus they've been together for an hour!? This is serious. An hour is practically grounds for marriage.

But then, when I thought the worst of the news was over, it got EVEN WORSE.

"But he's totally crushing on the new girl, (Y/N), half dragon, half dark elf, half demigod, half succubus, half witch." Wallis was interrupted when Ganji gently hit his chest with the back of his hand.

"No, dumbass, you're thinking of (Y/N). She's been here since last week. (Y/N) is brand new, she's half vampire, half werewolf, half demon, half fairy, half mermaid, half vampire again. God, get it right! You sound culturally insensitive."

Even worse! Not only is Norton a womanizing cheater who stole my Kreacherina from me, but he's cheating on her! Worst yet, cheating on her with a Mary Sue! What a slimy, deceitful scumbag! Norton has to pay for hurting my Kreacherina like this!

Knowing this, I can't rightfully try and win her over. Kreacherina would be devastated knowing that her beloved has broken their bond of romance.

No, Kreacherina deserves to know the truth. She must!

I have to come up with a new plan...
(A/N) Ur gay lol

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