My Fall In Reputation

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POV: Mike Morton

I wake up in the school infirmary after Ganji brutally broke my bones. I look down to notice I'm in a full body cast, and I can't move. The only thing not broken being my left toe that I can still wiggle a little. I turn to my righ and see Y/N asleep in one of the guest chairs, she came to visit me!

My happiness soon melted away seeing Norton, wise awake, sitting on the other side of her.

"How ya feeling Miketatoes and Gravy?" he sneers at me.

"Miketatoes? What does that even me-"

It was at that moment I realized, I smell terrible! Like the cafeterias mashed potatoes and gravy, but from last month!

"Oh, Mr.Morton, you're awake! Nurse Emily comes back into the room, eyeing me.

"When Lucky Guy attacked you, we immediately had to put you in a full body cast! You've been asleep since then. It's been a rough 3 days Mr. Moron but you seem to be healing well!"

No one has bathed me in 3 whole days, no wonder I smell so terrible! Wait...Lucky guy?

"Niece Emily, you said Lucky guy attacked me? I dont even know who that is."
That's a terrible name and his parents should be ashamed.

"Well Mr.Morton, you have to understand Mr.Gupta is a the smartest student here at Manor High, and your future VALEDICTORIAN! We can't possible expell him. So, instead we'll blame Lucky Guy!"

Wow, Lucky Guy getting expelled in Ganjis place, guess he's not very lucky after all.

"Good going Mr. M O R O N! You got Lucky Guy expelled, you're such a awful awful Boy!" Norton chimes in, wagging his finger in my face.

ok now I see how y/n feels

At that moment, Norton's finger only being a few short centimeters from my left nostril, Y/N wakes up and throws herself out of the hair and onto my crippled body. I felt all my bones crack simultaneously.

"MIKE IM SO GLAD YOURE OKAY!" she's screaming directly on my ear, while still squeezing my body. Haven't I suffered enough?!

Y/N starts to lift my body from the bed

"C'mon Mike, You'll be staying with Norton and I in our dorm till you get back on your feet!"

Norton looks shocked, angry and Sexy!


Y/N ignores Noryon, dragging my stiff body out of the infirmary, knocking over Nurse Emily. This isn't gonna end well.

----------In The Hallways-----------

Walking (More like stiffly shuffling) through the halls of Manor High has never been more humiliating! Eveyones staring at me and laughing, some plugging their noses and waving their hands in an "ew stinky" motion.

Ahead of us I can see a line of more students, standing at what looks to be a makeshift stage with Mike crudely spray painted on the side. Our Decoding teacher, Luchino stands upon the stage, large bulging arms filled with tomatoes. He's using his tail to hand them to the other students.

"Oh Mike! I think that's for you, let's go check it out! Exclaims Y/N.

She drags me closer to the stage, and the crowd parts for us to get up on the stage.

Mr. Luchino clears his throat.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome our smelly guest of honor, Mike Morton!

The crowd loudly boos loudly.

Helena nears the stage, her white cane tapping on the floor in front of her.

"Sheesh Mike, Im glad I can't see, because I don't think I could stomach both seeing and smelling you! She then extends the cane and hits me in the shin! My bones snap crackle and pop as I fell off the stage.


"MIKE NO!" Y/Ns shouts.

As I lay on the floor, I look at the school ceiling hoping someone will come get me soon. The crowd then circles me, and they raise their totatoss high in the air.

"No hard feelings partner, you just smell like the inside of a dead snake in the middle of July" Even the Nearly Cowboy has turned against me.

I look towards Mr. Luchino

"Sir, you're a teacher can't you do something??"

The buff Lizard man looks down at my stiff form, and scoffs.

"C'mon Kid, who do ya think put this lil shindig together? I'm boosting student morale as we all get together and throw tomatoes at you, besides, you smell absolutely awful and you totally deserve it."

How long will I have to suffer. More footsteps shuffle closer to me. As they lean down closer to my prone form I can make out their face and it's *GASP* it's Patricia!
One of the coolest most beautiful and talented students at manor high! She even won a Grammy at the talent show. It's humiliating to have her see me like this!

She cocks and eye eyebrow at me

"Wow Twiggy, this is quite the new look for you, I wouldn't complain if it wasn't for the smell. What did you do, roll around in school garbage for a week?"

Eveyone laughed because Patricia is hilarious and witty. She was given another Grammy.

Next to her, Tracy Reznik shuffled awkwardly.

"Isn't this a lil mean Patty? She looks down blushing. She's so gay for Patricia. Well I mean... Eveyone is.

Patricia gives her a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry about it Tracy, it's not our fault he smells like hot Garbo. Now throw the tomato just like we practiced."

That was the beginning of the end.
As Tracy raises her arm, the crowd behind her follows her lead, raising their tomatoes above their heads.

They all throw their fruits simultaneously, a wave of red washes over me, and I'm buried in tomatoes.
I don't even LIKE tomatoes!

Before I can finally black out under the mountain of red Mush, I see Norton, the bastard, ushering a crying Y/N away from the scene of their horrid crime.

I pass out to the sweet sound of her sobs and the sound of the cheering mob.

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