Chapter 12: The Last Maiden

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(Ok back when young me first watched RWBY in 2012, I honestly believed the four maidens were going to be Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang. Clearly this wasn't the case. Maybe this will change, but yeah, that's what I was referencing. I have no idea where RWBY is going, but I'm still enjoying it! Enjoy!)

         Ven and Van stopped talking as their father calmly walked to her. The mother was now concerned about her sons, but then her husband embraced her.

Their sons held their breaths as their mother turned around and asked, "Cloud? How?"

He just smiled at her as he answered, "Our sons have been busy. That girl is on Oracle. We need to take her to Ozpin"

She nodded and looked at their sons. They quickly grab Strelitzia and followed their parents. As they were running to Beacon Academy, they passed Ienzo's group.

Ienzo asked, "What are you doing?!"

Van replied seriously, "Shut up and follow us!"

Ienzo and the others followed the family. Meanwhile, Ira, Erauqs, Terra, and Aqua were walking to Beacon Academy's library. Erauqs smiled as he stopped. He saw a girl with a bow reading a book while a guy with yellow hair was making paper airplanes. Ira was stunned when he saw her. She resembled her mother so much. Aqua and Terra walked over to them.

Terra said, "I'm Terra. This is Aqua. We were walking around the school. Who are you?"

The girl looked at them and then looked at her book. She had long black hair and yellow eyes. She looked a bit pale. The other boy had bright yellow hair and gray eyes. His skin was tanner.

The boy sighed and said kindly, "I'm Sun! This is Blake! She's my best friend!"

Aqua and Terra smiled at them when Erauqs and Ira walked away. They stayed outside of the library. Winter, Weiss, and Whitely sat down at the tearoom. She took a sip from her tea and placed the cap down on the coaster.

"Weiss is this about the past few weeks?" Winter asked cautiously.

Weiss looked at her cup of tea as she replied, "Well, yes. Then, it was that attack yesterday. What happened to mother?"

Winer took a calm breathe in as she said, "Our mother attended Beacon Academy and met four other girls. They were Maidens. Each of them was born with a powerful gift. This gift was actually a curse. There was someone out there who wanted these powers. They are the key to bringing a group of people together. They discovered this and decided to fight back. They also knew they would not survive. That did not stop them. They fought for the future. Our mother left us with father and went to that fight. She did not hesitate to fight for us"

Once Winter finished telling the story, she saw Weiss and Winter crying. Winter embraced them tightly.

Weiss said sacredly, "I have our mother's gift. What should I do?"

Winter stroked her little sister's hair fondly and answered bravely, "Then, we will stop him together as a family"

Weiss and Whitely nodded as they embraced their big sister. As Tifa and Cloud led their sons and friends to the office, Tifa banged her fist against the doors, and Ozpin answered it. He was smiling when he saw Cloud again. Ozpin allowed them to enter his office and closed the doors. Ven and Van placed Strelitzia in a chair gently while Ozpin walked over to her.

"Is she going to be ok?" Ven asked worriedly.

Ozpin answered, "Yes. She just needs to rest. I didn't think the Oracle was still alive. I believed they were separated from each other. This will help us. Now, I have one question"

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