13. Planning

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-Next Day-

I woke up lying on the couch with everyone else from yesterday also lying in the living room. I guess we all passed out at about 2am of everyone playing a game. I gazed at the clock, it was 5am, I'm surely the first one to be awake at that time.

I made my way upstairs in my room and noticed Jimin and Taehyung both rushing in Jimin's room while trying not to laugh. I didn't pay attention to them and twisted the door knob. Once I opened the door, out of nowhere, paint splashed on my face so I quickly covered my eyes to prevent it from burning.

I turned on my heel and heard Jimin and Tae laughing their ass off like there was a joke going on which literally made me pissed off.

Y/n: Ok, good joke but can you like, get me a towel or sum?

I asked a bit annoyed with my eyes still tightly closed.

Taehyung: LMAO NO.

Y/n: Y'all I- I fucking swear...

Jimin: FINE.

He threw a towel at me and I quickly wiped off the paint in the area on my eyes so that I could open them. When I looked around, I saw Jimin and Taehyung burst into laughter.


Jimin: Shush lil gurl, it's not like you didn't do anything to us yesterday.

He crossed his arms.


Taehyung: Putting toothpaste and mud mixed together in our socks is nothing compared to that?

The boy scoffed but remembering them struggling to remove the sent, I couldn't help but laugh.


Jimin: I had to spend two hours to remove this shat, stfu!

He annoyingly spoke while I went in my room and slammed the door. Today was saturday meant no school, I kept thinking of ideas to prank Jimin and Tae again because there was no way the last prank would be on me. Dad brought Seokjin shi fishing and mom and Soobin went back home after they left food for lunch. Meanwhile, Daehan decided to join in doing the pranks while Dahyun rathered to mind her own business.

Taehyung pov

I was lying on Jungkook's bed while scrolling through social media on my phone and Jungkook was playing games on his computer. Afterwards, he got tired and came beside me and wrapping his arm around my body as soon as he laid down. But I pushed his arm away since I'm not used to this much skinship even though he is my brother.

Jungkook: Hyung, don't you think yesterday was cool?

Taehyung: What do you mean? It was a day like every other day.

Jungkook: No but like, Soobin's parents are so cool!

Taehyung: I mean...yeah? So?

Jungkook: Hyung, what to you mean "so" ?! Stop acting like you didn't like it when Soobin's mom patted your head.

The younger one squinted his eyes at me and I froze on spot. I mean yeah, it was the first time someone gave me so much affection, but...it felt also so wierd, I mean like, I can't describe it.

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