17. Bad joke

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No one's pov

Taehyung: Okay...good now just stop grabbing my hand.

He told his sister. His brother and himself had been trying to teach Y/n how to swim but they haven't made a step until now. Taehyung thought of the first step to learn how to swim was to float in water first so that's what the boy had been teaching his sister but the latter wouldn't let go of her brother's hand.

The girl finally let go off Taehyung's hand, she stayed up for some milliseconds before the water again reached her chin. Before she goes more down, her brother hoisted her to come back on the surface.

Yoongi: Guys, I found a ball.

Jimin: Yoongi shush there are kids here.

Yoongi: Ayo, I meant toy.

Jimin: Anyways, let's play cucumber.

Taehyung: Ok, stay here lil girl.

He placed Y/n to sit on the boarder of the pool while he went to play with his brothers.


Taehyung ignored her and swam in the direction of his brothers and grabbed the ball. Her brothers started playing with Jimin in the middle and Taehyung and Yoongi at both ends of the pool. The rules of the game were that if Jimin catches the ball, someone else has to come in the middle: either Tae or Yoongi. So the two brothers have to pass the ball to each other without letting Jimin touch it. (A/n: I hope this was better than Run BTS's rule games lmao)

The three brothers started playing and Y/n gazed at them, enjoying Jimin getting bullied. She let her feet dangling in the water and swinging them back and forth in the water out of boredom.

Yoongi: Y/n!

She gazed at Yoongi who was calling her. Eagerly, she waited for what her brother had to tell her as she had nothing to do instead of watching them enjoy themselves.

Yoongi: Can you bring my camera in my bag?

Y/n: Ok...

The girl stood up and went to grab Yoongi's camera. He asked her to take some pictures of them to keep memory of this precious moment. Y/n agreed and took some of their pictures before sitting back down on her previous spot. As she just sat down, the ball that the brothers were playing with, went out of the pool so Y/n went to fetch it as she was outside the pool.

She was about to again sit down but Jimin called for her.

Jimin: Y/n! Can you bring my phone?! Jungkook said he would call me at around 11 or 12.

The girl nodded and brought Jimin his phone.

Taehyung: Bring my wristwatch and tell me what time is it.

Y/n was about to go fetch it as told but heard Taehyung chuckle. That's when she realized he was just using her and that goes same for the other brothers. They were just telling her to come here and there every seconds.


The three brothers giggled at her angerness which made Y/n want to explode more.

Taehyung: Oof, at least we're telling you to do something.

He sarcastically rolled his eyes.


Taehyung: Why don't YOU come here? Oh wait, I forgot. You can't swim.

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