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Y/n: Hey dad, I was wondering what are you going to buy for us?

I asked while swinging my legs back and forth in the car as we waited for everyone to come inside the car so that we could finally go. The only persons ready and present were Mr.Dad, Jimin and I so we were already sitting in the car while waiting for others to come.

Mr.Dad: Whatever you like.

The man replied from the driver's seat, resting his elbow near the window.

Mr.Dad: Wait did you just call me dad instead of Mr.Dad?-

Y/n: No? Wait but like is it like I pick and you buy?!

Mr.Dad: If you really like it and will use it for sure then of course, I'll buy it for you. Do you have anything in mind?

He lets out in a soft voice.

Y/n: No but what if mom says anything?

Mr.Dad: I don't think she will, I talked to her yesterday.

His eyes turn dark, recalling the events of yesterday making me scared of what might have happened. I flash my gaze to Jimin who returned it back in the same worried stare. The last time they had a 'talk' they barely spoke or even said a word to each other, I was curious of the situation.

Y/n: HUH?! What did you tell her?

Mr.Dad: Eh nothing much, just said to be cooler, you know hahaha.

Stupid fucking liar.

Y/n: I don't believ-

Mr.Dad: There's gonna be big crowd if we keep waiting, look they're coming! Let's go Aaha

The car soon went full and Mr.Dad inserted the keys for the vehicle to start working. Our first family outing all together...and as usual, I was sitting beside Jimin. It had been like that since I dunno, driver seat: Mr.Dad, beside was mom and the three seats just behind them were occupied by the eldest: Seokjin followed by Namjoon and Hoseok who sat in between his two brothers. Behind them seated Jungkook, Dahyun, Taehyung and Daehan respectively from the left side to the right.

At the back seat, me, beside the window and Jimin next to me and last sibling; Yoongi. Usually he likes to sit or should I say lie in the boot of the car, leaving Jimin and I full space at the back seat but today he rathered sitting beside his brother instead.

We reached a mall after thirty minutes of drive and Mr.Dad parked the car in an underground parking. There were some stairs  to take before we meet with a gigantic inflated balloon of the iconic man, long white beard covering his whole jaw and red coat along with black boots. Ha, Santa. Lol. Christmas eve, there were decorations of christmas everywhere at every single corner and a 5 meters artificial christmas tree right in the middle. Woah, was like a century ago I felt the vibe.

There were a lot of people passing by that I felt I would get lost in a milli of seconds if I didn't have my eyes on my parents all the time. I glanced at mom who had a blank face on, making it hard for me to describe how she felt. Surely angry...I mean...from the 'talk' they had yesterday and her big ass ego, I don't think she'll feel a tiny bit of joy.

So instead, I ran to Mr.Dad and lock my hand in his, taking him by surprise. But I was feeling kinda lost by all those people around and it was my first time going out during a christmas eve with so much people around.

Y/n: Where are we going now?

I speak a little louder than usual for him to hear due to all the noises around us.

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