28. Fuck bitches

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I had finished my lunch, so I finally decided to go look for BTS because if they got kidnapped and my parents will ask me why didn't I do anything, that...that will be awkward, yeah. I stood up and walked to the cafeteria door and was about to open it but someone did it before I could from the other side to enter. I looked up and it was...



I remained quiet for a few milliseconds as they stood still in front of my face, having a blank one on theirs. You know what? Imma just pretend I'm going back.

With that, I looked away, pretending as someone called me and began to walk back to my table, away from them.

Namjoon: Y/n.

Y/n: Yes.

Daehan: Oii bro, y'all just appeared oof.

He panted heavily as if he had ran a marathon.

Daehan: Btw Jungkook, you missed three classes and you also have a detention.

He let him know and ran back away, to his friends. I was also about to walk away until Jimin spoke.

Jimin: Y/n, you must probably be wondering why we were away?

Y/n: Haha no? Who said?

I slightly let out some chuckles and rubbed my nape.

Taehyung: Then why are you standing there?

Y/n: I was boutta go man.

I mean, YEAH I WANTED TO KNOW. But I also wanted to go back to make it seem like I did not care so I just walked away.

Luckily they did not stop me then I went back to my table. As usual; Classes and then recess. During recess, we were at the back of the school, chilling and talking when suddenly, I spotted shadows of some girls behind us, when we all looked up, it was some pick me ass girls, standing there in their skirts and heels thinking of them too rich. Lord...what again?!

Gorl: Is it you, Y/n bitch?

Ah shit. Here we go again.

Oof. I sighed out of tiredness of bullshits like that and rubbed my hand against my forehead before looking up back at them.

Y/n: Yes.

Gorl2: We want to talk to you. In private.

Y/n: Ohhhh! Wait lemme think...oh uhmm... no.

Gorl: Alright then.

Really unexpectedly, that gorl grabbed my collae, expecting some force from her to pull me up. I raised my eyebrow at her, still sitting down and had not even budge a bit.She tried hard again but it was no use.

Y/n: Ok, Are you done? Can ya get tf out now?

I spoke and turned back around but they kept standing there.

Soobin: They're annoying.

He whispered to me and I nodded in agreement. Oof, they're such a pain in the ass, can't they just fucking leave, mfcking attention seekers. I got up and decided to deal with them because they were lliterally interrupting our conversation.

Y/n: 2 minutes or I'm breaking necks.

Gorl: Yah, follow us.

I did as they said hoping it wasn't about BTS again. Istg and istg if it's about bts-

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