Chapter 1 - First meet

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*It's the 11th of August. You are walking down the street heading to your apartment. It is a surprisingly sunny day. You get to your apartment block, head in, take the elevator to the 7th-floor, step out of it and go to the second room on the right. At the exact moment you take your keys out of your bag to open the door you see a black shadow at the end of the corridor, you get scared and head into your apartment fast. You had a feeling that a shadow is following you for quite a while now, you got a little used to seeing it but you're still scared, like who wouldn't be? You go and make yourself some tea and sit down on the couch to watch some TV. Two hours pass and you decide to go to bed. Again as you open the door and turn the light on you see the shadow, now you get pretty scared. Yes, you have been seeing it but this was already the second time in one day. You change into your pyjamas, lay down on your bed in the hope you fall asleep quickly and don't see the shadow again. *


'I hope I don't see the shadow today, I have seen it twice yesterday, that should be enough for today, or even better, enough for the end of my life.'

*You hope and head to the kitchen for breakfast. You go through your normal daily routine, go to work that you just started two weeks ago, come back from work a little sooner than yesterday, decide to call a friend that you haven't seen in years for drinks as you had more time today. At the moment that you are talking to your friend and turn around to finish your makeup you see the shadow again in the back of the mirror, you quickly turn around but there is nobody. You try to shake it out of your head and think about meeting your friend. You stand before a dark green and a deep purple dress and don't know which to choose, then you decide to go with the purple one and add a golden bracelet to match it. You happily exit and head to the restaurant. You see your friend sitting at a table on the terrace and join her. You spend a great evening together, but when it starts getting dark you decide to say goodbye and head home. This time you have the feeling that the shadow is following you all the way home. You speed up your step and are happy as never before when you get home. You head straight to bed and fall asleep surprisingly fast. *


*Today is the 13th of August. You already had breakfast and are getting ready to go grocery shopping since you're free from work today. You take your bag, lock your door as you leave and head to the mall. On your way there you observe the surroundings as you lay your eyes on a new building being built. As you look at it you don't stop walking and accidentally burst into a tall man with long black hair wearing a black suit. You are about to apologize as he starts talking. *

Stranger: Do you want to go with me?

Y/n: I don't even know you, I met you right now, you're a stranger still, so I'd say-

*You get fizzy for a second and something feels strange in your head. *

Y/n: Yes.

*You can't believe what you said, you stare him in the beautiful green eyes as he gives you a big but scary, mischievous smile. He then takes your hand, you resist and try to run away, so he knocks you out and carries you away.

You wake up in an unknown room with just two benches. You pull yourself up to sit, as you see the man you burst into in the corner of the room. But now he is wearing a different outfit, made from green, black and gold leather. *

Stranger: I got concerned you wouldn't wake up. I didn't plan to hit you, at least not so hard. I'm sorry.

*You jump up and walk fast towards him, you shout at him. *

Y/n: Who even are you?!?!

Loki: I am Loki, of Asgard.

*He says calmly. *

Y/n: And why have you got me here?!?!

Loki: You are more special than you think. I could help you, and I am trying to save and protect you.

Y/n: You, help me!? With what? And I need neither saving nor protection!

Loki: Slow down darling, it is more serious than it may seem. Be happy that I got you first.

*He says with a scary smile and starts to slowly walk towards you. You suddenly get overwhelmed with fear and start taking slow steps backwards. *

Y/n: I- I don't think I'm the right one.

Loki: Oh, and how you are the right one.

*He starts to catch up on you. You stumble upon the bench and fall on it. Loki comes to you, looks you deep in your brown eyes. He grabs your hand. *

Y/n: No, I-, I-, just please-, please-, no

*You say it with your weak voice and with your eyes tearing up. *

Loki: I'm not that kind of guy. I won't hurt you. But I would fear me if I was in your place.

Y/n: Th-, then what do you want from me?

Loki: Look, you have certain powers you don't yet know of. I came for you to show you how to use them.

Y/n: O-, okay...

Loki: You can freely rest for now and calm down. We're going to talk more about this tomorrow, okay?

Y/n: Okay...

*You think about him before you fall asleep. You get that dizzy feeling in your head again.

Loki got in your mind and is listening to your thoughts: 'I believe him like I really do. And I like him in a way. But what if he does anything. I still don't know him and he scares me. Does he have feelings for me too? Is he here for me or just my powers? Oh, shoot I really like him.'

Loki smiles and grunts slightly.

You look at him sharp and he smiles at you. *

Loki: Goodnight, darling.

*You two fall asleep. *

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