Chapter 22 (The Big Talk)

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We all ended up in our rooms deciding to rest after the day and meet up at dinner. I was lying on my bed going through my phone when my door opened and closed I looked up at Sebastian standing there

"Once again there is a thing called knocking" I said standing up
"I don't knock in my own home" he replied
"What if I was naked and getting dressed?" I replied
"Nothing I haven't seen before" came his snarky remark still looking at me, I was a little hurt of that because I knew he was a man of many disguises he could have every women at his beck and call but yet he was standing here in my room
"As if your words couldn't be any clearer, how the fuck should I stay out of your way if you can't even stay out of my room" I said walking closer
"My room" he said and I frowned
"My room, my house" he said as if it was nothing
"Yeah, yeah I get it, what do you want?" I asked and walked back to the bed
"I want to know what did you and my mother talk about?" he said walking in front of me
"My God Sebastian it's none of your business, just woman stuff" I replied but he got angry
"That shit doesn't work with my maybe my men but not with me you are forgetting I grew up with a sister" he said and I stood up again
"Why are you so eager to know?" I half yelled in his face
"Because she looked upset and she went with you" he gritted out

"Oh" came my reply
"Yeah oh" he said again
"She wasn't upset Sebastian she was happy" I started to explain
"She fucking had tears in her eyes how can that be 'happy'" he made air quotes
"You always expect the worst from me" I said softly shaking me my head
"I do because when it comes to my family I will always protect them no-"
"We were talking about Lila" my voice died down and he shut up
"We were talking about her bachelorette as I asked your mom if she had one yet" I continued
"But why did she look like she cried?" he hissed
"Because your sister doesn't have a lot of friends and because I wanted to something special for her, I offered to throw her a bachelorette because that is what friends do" I said pained
"Is that what you wanted to hear?" I hissed out but he still didn't say anything

"Don't always expect the worst of me Sebastian when you have your doubts about me don't ever accuse me of anything I didn't do" I replied and turned my back on him
"You may have made your own worst story about me but I am not the bad person you think Sebastian, I care for your family and I would never do anything to hurt you" I said and walked out to stand on the balcony a tear escaped my eye and I wiped it away, I couldn't cry now not while he was here not while I was in his house

"I'm sorry" he said but when I turned around he was gone

Did Sebastian just say he was sorry? Or was that my imagination

Sebastian's POV

After I left Devon's room I was confused, I didn't know what to do anymore and I was slowly starting to slip I have never been in this situation, I have never met a woman who was so stubborn and frustrating ever. I have never once in my life apologised before yet I did just that to a woman who I despised, or did I?

"Sebastian is everything okay?" Lila asked as I stepped down the last stairs I looked at her and left the house. I needed to clear my head; I needed to clear everything from Devon

I was never the one to apologise or back down, I always made sure that I was respected and now? Now I am questioning myself for what for a woman? I had to talk to the person I trusted the most in my life

I drove all the way to the middle of Monodies to go and visit him I knew could help me the person I trusted with my own life, when I arrived at the small house on the end of the beach I climbed out and stood in front of the door knocking, the door opened and my grandmother came out when she saw me she frowned

"Figlio what a surprise" my gran said hugging me
"Nona nice to see you" I replied and she looked at me
"Aren't you supposed to be here the day after domani?" she asked me and I smiled
"Came to have a discussion with Nonno, is he in?" I asked and she knew very well what that discussion was, whenever I had troubles at home, my father the business or even the heart he was the only one wise enough to know what I should do
"His in the back will put the kettle on" she replied letting me inside

My Nonno, otherwise known as the Godfather or Grandfather

The previous Capo of the mafia knew everything there was to know, he lived for a very long time and he always knew when I came here something was up
"Nonno" I said seeing him sitting in the garden looking over the ocean
"Figlio" he replied as I gave him a kiss on each cheek and a hug
"How are you?" I asked him and he smiled
"Still kicking and screaming as you can see" he said and I laughed
"Don't tell me Nona has you on the pills again?" I asked as he also smiled, his face wrinkled up and you could see all the years has caught up to him, I loved him very much
"Oh your Nona is something right" he shook his head
"Let me guess your father did something again?" he asked me and I sat on the grass in front of him, It must have looked weird seeing as a grown man of the mafia sat in front of an elderly man but I did this out of respect, to show him that I was still under him

"No Nonno matters of the heart" I replied and closed my eyes
"Has someone caught up to your ego?" he asked me and I smiled
"You can say something like that" I replied

"Tea is ready" Nona yelled as I stood up and took the two cups from her kissing her on the cheek
"Grazie Mille Nona" I said to her as she made her way back inside I walked back to my grandpa and placed the tea beside him on the table as I saw back down
"Tell me Figlio is she a threat?" he asked me and I shook my head

"No you see that is the problem, you know how you always went on about respect in our younger years, and that you would go off the rails when we did the opposite?" I asked him and he had a knowingly smile
"So she has a mouth that doesn't back off even knowing who you are?" he asked me and I nodded
"She sounds like a keeper, tell me son how do you feel about her?" he asked me and I frowned looking into the distance
"I don't know Nonno when I am with her it feels like I want to rip her throat out and just kill her there but then other times, I just want to say how sorry I am or have her close I don't know honestly" I told him
"You know when I still ran the mafia I met your Nona this young lady you speak of sounds just like her, she never backed off, hell she even locked me in a room for 3 days because I couldn't say I was sorry, I was pissed at her, I knew a woman could never stand with me she didn't belong but my eyes finally opened the day I almost lost her due to the other mafias. Son do what your heart tells you but still remember who you are, you may be Capo but you are still human" he said and I thought over his words

"You sound just like mamma but weren't you scared of letting her in to know the real you?" I asked the one question that still frightened me
"No just the complete opposite Figlio when I told Nona the real me she still stayed because she knew who I was, the real me if you show her the real you and she still stays than you will know" he replied
"As long as she isn't a threat to the business and the family then she is always welcome" he said again picking up his cup
"Thank you Nonno I think I understand now" I said drinking my tea I always felt good after talking to him because he used to tell my all kinds of stories, he was the most feared leader in the world and I try to fill his shoes just like my father

"Have you sorted out your stuff with your father yet?" My Nona asked just as me and my grandfather came into the house
"No Nona I don't think that will happen real quick" I said to her she also knew my whole story with my father
"Make piece Figlio before it is too late" my granddad said from behind me
"I know I still need some time" I replied
"Just remember he was in the same shoes as you when he took over the business as will your son in the future to come it's tradition" he replied and I nodded I knew this but I still needed time
"I will" I assured him
"Now I am not so young anymore I have to get to bed, but I will see the rest of you later" he said and I smiled
"Yes Nonno sleep tight" I told him and looked at Nona
"Watch over him for me" I said to her and kissed both her cheeks
"You know I will son, we will see you again in a the days to come" she said placing her small fragile hand on my cheek
"Love you" I smiled back at her when she said this
"Hope he could talk sense into that stubborn head of yours this time" Nona said walking me to the door
"We will see Nona, we will see good night" I told her and left for my house, I always felt better after speaking to him we were so blessed to have him still here. We all weren't proud of what we did but as he said it was tradition and it will be passed on for generous to come

I made my way inside the house I forgot about dinner, never the less I am so used to skipping it, everyone must be asleep by know as I looked at my watch it was just after 12, I made my way up the stairs and walked to Devon's door only stopping for a minute, it was quiet inside and I knew she must also be asleep, I walked over to my room and went to shower

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