Chapter 20: Believe me

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Twelve hours pass by unnoticed for Yoongi, he is too immersed in his thought to keep track of time. The omega thanks fate a hundred times for the fact that Jungkook, loaded with chores at the port, does not appear in the apartment. The alpha runs into the office and, kissing Yoongi for a couple of seconds, he leaves for the next meeting. If Jungkook were around, he would immediately notice the omega's state. Yoongi is wandering around the apartment like a shadow, he flinches from every step or call, confident that what happened in the hookah room has surfaced. In two hours, Jungkook's grand birthday party is going to kick-off, hosted by Jimin. The latter rushes to Yoongi and, seeing the omega sitting on the bed and absolutely not ready for the party, begins to shout:

"Are you out of your mind? I spent six hours getting ready and you're still in your pajama pants!" Jimin really looks amazing in pale blue skinny pants and a black lace blouse. The omega's jet-black hair is neatly styled, and his makeup accentuates his eyes and lips.

"I'm not feeling well," Yoongi lies and does not lie. It seems that his poor health has been going on for several months and there will be no end to it. Yoongi doesn't want any parties, especially since the white walls of the hated hospital await him tomorrow. "Please celebrate without me."

"Are you out of your fucking mind ?" Jimin's eyes sparkle and he walks up to the guy. "This is your alpha's birthday, and your alpha is Jeon Jungkook, the one who, not finding you in the restaurant, will order you to be dragged there. So stop it, get up, go shower."

Yoongi knows that Jimin is right, so he doesn't argue anymore, reluctantly slides out of bed, and hides in the bathroom. He put on light makeup and, wears a translucent white blouse and dark gray pants chosen by Jimin from his wardrobe, and heads out.

Jungkook is celebrating his birthday at the Sky Restaurant and Club, located on the top floor of one of the capital's many skyscrapers. Yoongi didn't call or text Jungkook, tried to keep a low profile , but he knows that, as soon as he crosses the threshold of the club, they will have to meet. He is sure that he will not stand his gaze because the burden of guilt is too heavy, there are too many reservations and secrets. Yoongi is amazed at how he is so calmly carrying it all in himself, how he hasn't been torn apart until now. Jimin disappears as soon as they enter the hall. A huge room with floor-to-ceiling windows teeming with well-dressed and luxurious looking alphas and omegas, all the cream of society, who came to congratulate the head of the second House. Yoongi is uncomfortable, he is not used to such a gathering of people, he feels ill at ease, walks between tables and desperately tries to catch at least someone he knows. Nobody seems to notice him: in principle, among so many people and with such lighting, it's normal. He continues to wander around the hall until someone pulls his elbow.

"Follow me," Reese says and walks toward the side door. Yoongi silently follows the alpha. They walk into a small room that looks like a cigar room. Jungkook, glass in hand, is standing next to an alpha Yoongi fails to recognize and is talking about something. As soon as Jungkook notices the omega, he pats his interlocutor on the shoulder and goes to Yoongi . Jungkook is wearing a black suit and a crisp white shirt with the first few buttons undone . Yoongi has a hard time calming his heart that longs for the alpha .

"Happy birthday," Yoongi even manages to smile.

"My birthday will come the day I get everything I planned, but thanks,'' Jungkook grins. "What's the matter? Are you feeling bad?"

It's like Yoongi doesn't know that he looks lousy. He didn't even put concealer under his eyes, he is sick and tired of everything, but Jungkook's words hurt a little. Even Yoongi is baffled by the desire to please this particular alpha.

In fact, Yoongi looks great, as soon as he walked through that door, Jungkook stopped seeing anyone else. But on the face of the omega is an imprint of great fatigue, as if he had not slept for several nights and as if something was chewing on him.

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