That evening at 5:15 PM, everything was set for the delivery of the suspect's description. Captain Muller, Lieutenant Larrosa, and the lookout officers were prepared to take down notes.
They finally concluded that Betty Larson was murdered by two escaped deviants. For the CX100, the motive was personal jealousy. As for the RK400, it was determined that he needed the money, since the two are possibly making their way towards Canadian borders at the moment.
"Look out for places that sell biocomponents – both legal and illegal. They're going to need it to be on the run." Connor explained.
To that, AJ added, "These suspects know they're being hunted; they won't be staying in one place for too long. It would be useless to look in alleys or lost android shelters."
Captain Muller finally concluded before he disbanded the field officers, "More than 24 hours have passed, it might even be possible that they are no longer on foot and travelling in a vehicle."
"Our perpetrators are most likely armed and dangerous. All personnel are greenlighted to shoot on sight," said Lieutenant Larrosa – who authorized an all-units pursuit if it ever comes to one.
To this, AJ particularly disagreed. As much as she knew the perpetrators are hostile, to shoot on sight should be the last resort.
At exactly 02:32 AM, Connor received the report of a sighting. The suspects have been spotted at a gas station inside a secondhand vehicle heading east towards the Interstate-96. In three hours, they will be driving out of Detroit.
AJ grabbed her keys and Connor followed in her steps. Sirens were going off. Red and blue cleared the highway to initiate the chase. All auto-vehicles has been instructed to merge into the emergency lanes. As the cold asphalt road began to clear, the described vehicle appeared in the distance.
Audrey stepped vigorously on the gas along with two other police cars that backed them up, while Connor was safely strapped into the passengers' seat. There's really no telling if he was anxious while his LED remained blue.
Larrosa deployed her smart cruisers. The officer in the cruiser confirms that an RK400 is driving the vehicle. The officer spoke into the loudspeaker, "You have been advised to pull over or we will have authority to stop your vehicle by force!"
The RK400, who appeared to have been in distress began to argue with the CX100. It was hard to make out what was going on inside the suspect's Subaru, but the driver was slowly beginning to lose control of the vehicle.
It started with the wheels going side to side and ended with a loud screeching noise. The car uncontrollably swiveled to one side and collided violently against the concrete road barriers.
Every cruiser unit reacted quickly and halted to a stop. Six more cruisers stopped behind the wreckage of the old Subaru. All of the officers on-site are armed and permitted to approach.
With his ultra-spectrum vision, Connor was able to scan the wreckage and identified heavy damage in the main engine. "That car will blow up in two minutes," He warned.
"Connor, tell them to stand down. I'm going in." AJ commanded.
Once she hopped out of the car, Connor had no choice but to signal the officers to keep their distance even though they were green-lighted to shoot on sight.
What she witnessed next was the RK400 holding the lifeless CX100 in his arms and the murder weapon on his right hand against his own temple. They were sitting among burnt pieces of metal and shards of broken glass.
The RK400 appeared to be devastated, while the CX100 was covered in blue blood from a fatal force to his head.
"Bryan!" AJ called out the deviant. Against the protocol, the detective went in unarmed with empty palms in the air. "My name is Audrey, I just want to talk!"

Mystery / ThrillerThis work is a sequel to the good ending of Detroit: Become Human. The Blueblood Ripper is terrorizing Detroit in a series of gruesome murders. In this story, a young detective named AJ, is recently promoted and partnered with Connor, the android de...