chapter 1

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Lauren's POV:

"Can't I just go out with you guys tomorrow?" I asked as I reluctantly put on my earrings at my vanity.

"Nope. It's our last first day of sylly week. We gotta enjoy it and you're coming with us Laur" said Jordan.

"It's not too late to stay in and watch a movie," I said as I continued getting ready for the club with the girls.  Today was the first day of classes, marking the first day of syllabus week.  Sylly week meant no assignments and more time for parties.  Being students at Temple University we know how to party hard and still manage to do well in all of our classes.  I'm just not in the partying mood tonight.

"We have the whole school year for that, Lauren you love going out why not tonight?" my best friend Alyssa asked.  Tonight we are going to Voyeur, a night club that a lot of Temple students go to. It should be very busy considering it's sylly week. 

"I don't know.  I guess I'm just a little bummed out that I haven't heard back from any of the internships I applied for" I replied adjusting my curly hair in the mirror. 

"Ugh Laur I'm sure you'll hear back, just give it a couple more days" Alyssa assured. 

"She's right.  There's no way you didn't get a least one of them.  Plus, staying in the apartment tonight isn't going to make you feel any better" Jordan added heading over to the kitchen.  They were right. Going out would be so much fun and help take my mind off the internship situation. "Now who wants a shot?" she asked opening the bottle of Casamigos.

"Let's do it ladies!" Alyssa cheered as I joined her in walking over to the kitchen.

"Hopefully I hear back soon but you guys are right I need to let loose at Voyeur tonight" I said as Jordan poured our shots.

"Cheers to our senior year" And my internship if I ever hear back, I thought. We took out shots and had one more round for good measure.

"Ubers downstairs" Jordan called a few moments later. I grabbed my shoulder bag and we began making our way out the door.

// in the Uber //

"Are Brandon and the guys on their way too?" Jordan asked Alyssa. Brandon is Alyssa's boyfriend and they have been dating for about a year now. They make such a cute couple and I wouldn't want anyone else for Alyssa. He treats her so well and they a perfect match for each other.

"Yeah I think they're already there. Brandon texted me that they left a while ago. They wanted to make sure they got in before they started turning guys away at the doors" Alyssa replied scrolling through messages on her phone.

On the ride over to the club I couldn't help but keep checking my emails. I kept refreshing hoping that I would get something saying that I landed an internship. Still nothing.

"Umm excuse me but am I going to have to take your phone away from you tonight? If you keep checking like this you're gonna drive yourself insane Laur" Jordan said scooting towards me and pressing the lock button on my iPhone.

"I was just checking before we got to Voyeur" I sighed. "Look we're already here" I said raising my hand up to the window.

"Alright" the driver said as he began to stop the car. "Enjoy your night ladies and be safe" he continued as we started getting out of the car.

"Thank you, have a good night" I responded shutting the door. We love a nice Uber driver.

I then followed Alyssa and Jordan to the club entrance, where we were let in by the bouncer. When we walked in they were playing Levitating by Dua Lipa. I began looking for the guys and they were at our usual spot by the bar. We started moving through groups of people until we made our way to them.

"The party has arrived!" Jordan announced. Jordan is the life of the party; a true social butterfly. It definitely worked out in her favor when capturing the attention of any guy she wanted.

"Hello ladies" Demitri greeted as him and the guys gave hugs to Jordan, Alyssa and I.

"Hope you're ready to party, drinks are on me tonight" Peter said with a huge grin on his face.

"YEAHHH PETE!" the guys cheered hyping him up.

"What's the big occasion?" Alyssa asked.

"My bro Pete landed an internship doing software development for Cisco" Brandon explained with his arms wrapped around Alyssa.

"Oh wow that's great Pete!" I said congratulating him. Peter deserved it. He works so hard and it was only a matter of time before he landed a professional internship like this. Hope my time comes soon.

"What about you Lauren? Any news from the Sixers?" Demitri asked crushing my soul. I interviewed for a social media internship for the Philadelphia 76ers about a week ago. It was my top choice. I had already accepted that I didn't get it since I haven't heard back. Social media for Estee Lauder was my second choice and was willing to intern for them.

"No she hasn't, but that doesn't matter because I'm positive she'll hear back soon" Jordan said glaring at Demitri. "Enough talking. Let's head over to the bar and get those drinks" she continued as we started walking over to order our drinks.

"Hey," Demitri called pulling me back. "You know I didn't mean to ask about the internship. I had no idea. I'm sorry Laur".

"It's no biggie, really" I said brushing it off. "Let's get those drinks D".

// a couple of drinks later //

About an hour later into the night we were all a bit intoxicated, having a great time. Jordan was making her rounds, bringing the party with her everywhere she went and Peter was chatting it up with a group of junior girls. Brandon, Alyssa, Demitri, and I were in a world of our own on the dance floor.

"I'm so excited for our senior year!" Alyssa shouted as we danced to Gold Digger by Kanye.

"It's gonna be a great one for sure-" Brandon added right before the DJ cut him off.

"We got a lot Temple students in here tonight! Special shoutout to my boys on the football team! Make Philly proud this season, go owls!" The DJ announced on the speakers as my eyes anxiously scanned the room hoping a certain someone wasn't there.

Of course he's here, I thought to myself finding him and his teammates across the room. I immediately snapped back into reality and felt Alyssa, Brandon, and Demitri's all eyes all on me. "Yes he's here" I confirmed rolling my eyes.

"We can go somewhere els-"

"No," I said cutting off Alyssa. "I'm not doing that. We're staying"

"You sure?"

"Yes" I responded taking a deep breath. Staying in and watching that movie sounds really good right now.

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