chapter 4

141 4 0

Lauren's POV

I woke up to the sound of my 9:00 am alarm. I sluggishly turned on my side and reached for my phone that was charging on my nightstand. I shut off my alarm and put on my glasses. Glancing at my notifications, I hopped out of bed and began my morning routine.

After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I quickly made my bed and opened my blinds to my beautiful view. It never got old. I made my way over to the kitchen where Alyssa was making a smoothie of some sort.

"Good morning," she smiled welcoming me into the kitchen as I took a seat at the island.

"Morning," I replied taking my hair down from my messy bun. 

"How'd you sleep? Any texts from Caleb?" she asked pouring her smoothie into a cup.

"Slept like a baby" I laughed. "Not sure let me check," I said unlocking my phone.

Maybe: Caleb

2:53 am

Hey Lauren its Caleb I know
its late but theres a few things
I just wanted to get off my
chest. First I just wanna say
sorry for everything I put you
through. Seeing you tonight
made me realize how much I
fucked up. I couldn't stop
thinking about it and I just
wanted to say sorry. I'll always
have love for you Laur and
I'm wishing you the best this
year. Of course I wish things
had ended differently but
that doesn't change the way
I treated you. You deserve
someone who's going to
prioritize you and I'm sorry
I couldn't be that for you back
then. How've you been?
I miss you and I can't
stop thinking about you.
I really wanna fix this.

I read the message out loud to Alyssa and stared at my phone in shock.

"What are you gonna say?" Alyssa asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. I wasn't expecting him to reach out like this" I said putting my phone down on the counter. I walked over to the pantry and grabbed an apple cinnamon instant oatmeal cup.

"Caleb reached out? What did he say?" Jordan questioned as she entered the kitchen fully dressed and ready for the day.

"Yeah," I responded. "Here read it," I said giving my phone to her. I poured some water into my oatmeal cup and placed it in the microwave.

Jordan read the text out loud to herself. "I can't believe him. How does he think he can just come back and make things right with you? What are you going to say back? Are you gonna respond?"

"You guys can honestly write something for me. Something like, thank you for checking in on me, I'm doing good and I have so many amazing things in store for a senior year but you won't be one of them. Good luck without me" I laughed sitting down at the island next to them to eat my oatmeal. "But I don't want to be that mean about it" I added. I was clearly still mad at him, but I'll always care about him, even just a little. Even after what happened between us, I still wish him the best.

"Okay let's see," Alyssa said picking up the phone. "Thanks for reaching out. I really do appreciate it," Alyssa read as she began typing up the message. "I've been good, super excited for senior year. I hope you have a great semester" she finished the message and handed the phone back to me. As I continued to eat the rest of my oatmeal, I read over Caleb's message one more time before looking over what Alyssa typed out.

"Okay done," I said sending the message. I felt relieved and was happy that I was one step closer to leaving him in my past.

"I say he takes 15 minutes to respond" Jordan giggled.

"I say even less time. Lauren turn on your ringer," Alyssa responded challenging Jordan.

"Okay then," I turned on my ringer, placed my phone on the counter, and put my spoon in the dishwasher. "What are the plans for tonight?" I asked sitting down on the couch joining the girls.

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