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"Absolutely not."Julian said

"Why not I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself."

"Listen Desiree its to dangerous and I just can't lose you after finding you.I know you want to help but just let it go ok."

"You owe me this Julian you have lie to me so much, and I still can't get over you being a bear shifter."

When Julian was about to say something he suddenly dive toward me and knock me down on the ground with him on top while gun shots was coming through my walls.

It didn't last long the drive by and I tried to get Julian attention but he was still in survival mode and I also notice his eyes was Omar color..

I knew in my heart I had to calm him down, so I gently lay my hand on his shoulder while using my other hand to caress his face.

"Julian its ok I'm fine I am here in your arms."

Julian eyes turn into his beautiful eyes color and he just held me close to his chest.

I finally was able to get up but not until Julian yelled.

"See how dangerous this is its not playtime Desiree! I want you to pack your bags your coming with me now and no arguments!"

I didn't want to set him off so I did what he said.He took my bags and made his way to his old GMC Truck .

We jump in and left when we was going down the road I was very quiet I didn't know what to say I was almost kill.

Julian reach over and grab my hand.

"Are you alright Desiree I know this has shaken you up if you need anyone to talk to I am here."

That's when I push my self over toward him and hug him closer.

I noticed that he had pull over at the side of the old dirtroad.

"Look at me Desiree everything is going to be fine I am here to protect you my sweets."Julian leads over to kiss my lips gently but somehow we released more passiom when his tongue slowly slides into my mouth he tastes so good like chocolate.

I feel his hand move under my shirt toward my breast, my nipples was alert for his touch when he finally made his way there I moaned out so loudly.

His fingers was kneading my big breast so tenderly I was getting so wet,

But Julian moves away.

"We better stop Desiree, Omar almost came out and I'm afriad he will mark and mate you in my truck."

"I understand Julian."I said softly.

"I can smell your musk of your arouse core and its driving me mad lets just go before I do something i'll regret."

We headed to a old dirt road in the woods I didn't think it was going to end until he stopped at this beautifully mansion.

"Come my love I want to show you my house."

I was speechless when he held my hand drag me inside I couldn't believe how enormous his place was.

"Let me show you too your new room Desiree."

We was about to head toward the steps when a beautiful womam came down and jump in his arms.Now don't get nosy they might be relative's I thought, but when she bent his head down to kiss her I saw red.How dare he acts like I was special when he had a girlfriend at home.

I just walked out and went to get my luggages from his truck I'm going to walk home fuck him I thought to myself.

Julian was trying to hollar out my name but I didn't want to hear his bullshit any longer.

I was halfway down the road when Julian had turn into his bear and knock me down.

"Where do you think your going?"Omar questions through our mind link.

"Are you crazy your not going anywhere!"

I noticed that he was growling at me so I beg him for Julian to come back.

I turn my head when I felt a purely human man body on top of me.I felt Julian tilt his head to my ear and whisper softly.

"I'm sorry but you can't leave me."

He started to trail kisses down my neck he nibble in certain spots until he bit down on a certain area that had my panties wet.

"Mmm this must be the right place for it."

"For what Julian?"I asked when my mind was slowly cleared up.

"For this."

And the next thing I knew there was teeth broken into my skin.I cried out from the pain but then it turn into something intoxicated I was moaning so loudly I think the whole worldwide heard.He slowly took out his teeth and lick his bite mark.I was fading into darkness..

"You are mine now Desiree always and for ever. "

The Librarian Has A Bear Of A Surpise (Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now