Practice Makes Bestest IV

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Once they entered Barry's dorm, Caitlin threw her backpack down and took a seat on his couch in the same spot she sat the last time she had come over. She liked that spot; it was comfortable. Barry went to his mini-fridge and pulled out two bottles of water. He handed one of them to her and took a seat on the other side of the couch.

There was silence, broken only by the occasional sips of water, as the two of them tried to figure out what to say.

Finally Caitlin asked, "So, how are we gonna do this whole flirting thing?"

Responding with a deadpan look, Barry said, "Turtle."


"Turtle." Barry gave her a look as if he expected her to know what he was talking about.

She didn't.

Knowing that this wasn't going to get them anywhere, Barry, with the speed of a hare, snatched Caitlin's wrist and shoved it on the top of his head. She had one second to feel its soft silky feel before, her senses got to her and she snatched her hand right back, holding it close to her body.

Rubbing her wrists, even though Barry's hold hadn't hurt her, she asked, "What was that?"

She knew it was just Barry, but she couldn't help the surprise, and even panic, when Barry had grabbed her like that. She knew that Barry was a speedster and that he preferred to do things quick and to just get to the point, but for Caitlin, slow and steady would always win the race. She wasn't one for surprises and she wasn't one for grabbing... er, sudden displays of affection.

It was strange how it was the little things that caused her to have a mini panic.

"Turtle," Barry repeated. "It's code for play with my hair, remember?"

"You could have just said that," Caitlin grumbled, dropping both her hands to rest on her lap.

"Actions speak louder than words," Barry sang, leaning closer towards her side of the couch. "So when I say the word 'turtle', you—"

Agreeing with the idea that actions do speak louder, Caitlin reached out and ran her fingertips lightly over the top of Barry's hair. Barry stilled almost immediately in response, any words he had to say seemed lost in his throat.

Growing more confident, Caitlin allowed herself to immerse her whole hand into his short hair, fisting it softly. It was so soft, she could scarcely believe she was touching it. Scooching closer towards him on the couch, Caitlin moved her fingers through the wild strands of dark brown hair and watched it filter in and out of her hand like smooth grass. She twirled some of the longer strands in her finger and finally looked down from her view of his head to meet his eyes.

"Like this?" Caitlin asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Yeah," Barry said, his voice sounding breathy. "Exactly like that."

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