Out of Airplanes Into Pools of Sharks VI

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Iris and Caitlin walked outside the arcade to join the two boys, who were lounging by the walls, both looking down at their phones. Caitlin's mind was still reeling from the conversation she just had, but she tried not to let it show on her face. Iris was doing a wonderful job as she fit herself right into Eddie's side and he placed a light kiss to her temple.

Caitlin moved closer to Barry and made a "gimme" motion with her hands.

While reluctantly placing the teddy bear back in her hands, Barry jokingly said, "You know, since it was a joint effort, I think I should have joint custody over Mr. Yoda."

"Alright so weekdays at my place and weekends at yours?" Caitlin asked, hugging Mr. Yoda close.

"5 days at yours and only 2 days at mine?" Barry said incredulously.

"Just leave the bear at whoever's place you sleep at the most," Eddie suggested.

Barry and Caitlin exchanged wide-eyed glances. "Mine!" They both shouted at the same time.

Because they were obviously a real couple that obviously slept over at each other's homes... obviously.

"Wait, guys!" Iris stopped in her steps. The other three turned to look at her before she said, "We need to take a selfie!"

The four of them huddled around Iris's phone and smiled the most giant, cheesy smiles they possibly could.

Once Iris took the snapshot, they all leaned forward to examine it closely. In the picture, Iris was making a duckface and winking at the camera, Caitlin was holding up Yoda bear in the middle, making him the star of the show, Eddie was making bunny ears behind Iris's head, and Barry had his tongue stuck out and eyes crossed.

"I think this summarizes the night pretty perfectly," Eddie said.

Barry immediately used his hands to cup Caitlin's ear and block out noise. "She doesn't like the word perfect," he whispered loudly at the other two.

Caitlin shook him off. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks, Barry." She stuck her tongue out at him.

Iris sighed. "I don't think I'm ready for this night to be over."

The three of them agreed. It was nearing half past midnight, but it didn't feel like time had passed at all.

"Jitters?" Eddie asked.

"Yes," Barry nodded. "The night can't be over until we've been to Jitters."

Luckily, the walk there was pretty quick and the local 24 hour coffee shop was fortunately nearly empty.

Once their warm drinks were in their hands, they found a nice little bistro table outside where the cool breeze blew and the crickets chirped their lovely song. Iris curled up comfortably on the wooden chair, her legs tucked under her as she sipped her drink. Eddie sat beside her, his arm stretched around her to keep her warm while occasionally sipping his own drink.

They enjoyed the noise of the night and the silence of companionship.

There was something about late night escapades and going to a quiet corner that during any other time would have been bustling with people.

There was something surreal about 1 am on a Friday night.

It was when people were most honest. It was when secrets came out.

Surprisingly, it was Eddie who shared first. Off-handedly, he mentioned how his cousin was in the same university as him. How he was always compared to him and doesn't feel like he's enough.

Barry shared about his history of people bullying him after they found out about his dad. How there's never a day where he doesn't miss his mom, but the days when he misses his dad hurt the most because he's just there waiting to be proven innocent and freed.

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