Chapter 1

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“I’m all out of bananas I’m going to punch somebody.”

I tried to hide my smirk under the grey hoodie I held in my hands. I watched as Carol angrily zipped up her backpack and slip it on her shoulders. I handed her the hoodie and she quickly put it on.

“It belongs to Ethan. I took it from his house because it was warmer and softer then mine.”

“Has he noticed that you took it?” I asked.

She laughed. “Boys are oblivious. You could take their penis and they wouldn’t notice until they actually need to use it.”

We were walking up the steps to the school, dreading every step we take. It’s the first day of school so naturally we walked past a couple of crying students dreading school. It was a cloudy day, dark grey clouds loitering the skies. It was sophomore year. We were getting closer and closer to graduating. It was a scary thought.

The school looked like a castle on this gigantic hill. It’s not even a hill it’s a mountain. I once walked up to school and I nearly died. But the school did look enormous and majestic. It isn’t true because it’s school so hah.

I vowed myself to make sophomore year better than the mess that was freshmen year. I don’t even want to think about it. Quick flashbacks went through my mind: death, relationships, heartbreak, fights, secrets, and Sebastian.

I shuddered.

“I want to blow up the school,” said Riley.

Carol and I both nodded. Riley and her sort of, not so boyfriend reconciled over the summer. They are just friends at the moment. I mean after what happened, I wouldn’t be so keen on jumping back either.

“Hey, who are they replacing Mr. Flores with?” asked Carol.

“I heard it was some old lady from a retirement home,” replied Riley.

“I heard Ms. Kathy was going to teach the freshmen also,” added Riley.

I gave her the stupid look. “She already teaches sophomores and juniors. How are they going to add freshmen to her schedule?” I asked her.

We all walked into the school. Scattered about was clueless freshmen, sophomores hugging friends, juniors talking to everyone, and seniors touring the freshmen. Quite like last year.

“A penis does not define how much fun we have,” Carol said. “We will not let penis define us like last year. My independent feminist side is ashamed of me. I’m ashamed of me. I hate myself. I’m not saying give up on penis, just be happy with the penis you choose.”

People gave her odd looks. Carol ignored them and walked into the cafeteria.  

We walked to the registration office and picked up our schedules. I had three Honors classes and one AP class. Oh my lord. This was going to be a very busy year. I can just feel it. Busy and long.

My first period was marketing which I was grateful for. Last year my first period was PE and that did not sit well with me. It would be too early to be doing sports and running.

Carol had marketing first period too but not Riley. She had it for seventh period. Her first period was chemistry, right down the hall.

“Do you feel my hatred for this school? It’s radiating off my body in seismic waves,” said Carol as we walked Riley to class.

“I agree 99.99%.” said Riley. “Bye guys,” was what she said as she entered chemistry.

“Are you ready for this school year?” Carol asked me.


“Me too.”

We walked silently to marketing. Along with our schedules, we got our locker assignments as well. I headed for mine and Carol headed to hers. Mine was next to the Dean’s office, across from the marketing classroom. I turned the knob along with the code and opened. The lockers were plain silver, I guess to match the school’s colors. All I wanted was to test my code.

“Hi,” I heard next to ear.

I looked and nearly choked. It was Sebastian. Sebastian, with his chiseled and gorgeous face, his nicely styled hair, and tall frame. He smiled at me.

“Hi,” I replied. We talked throughout the summer, but we remained friends. Back in freshmen year I decided it was best if we were just friends. It was all too confusing and it seemed like the best decision.

With his gorgeous face, minty cologne, and close proximity, I doubted that choice.

“How were your last few weeks of summer vacation?” He asked. “I only ask about the last few weeks because we practically dated in the first half.” He laughed a little on the last part. His breath smelled minty. This boy has been using his Colgate. I nearly choked. He was so attractive. What the hell is wrong with me?

“I wouldn’t say ‘dated’ per se,” I replied. Nice, I thought in my head. Be nonchalant.

“I mean, we hung out, texted and talked, I even had the pleasure of finding out your bra size.”

I forgot we went shopping at one point. It has been a pretty fun summer, minus the summer homework given to us because of AP class.

I blushed and he saw it.

He leaned in and whispered, “Have fun this year.” He pulled back, smiled, and walked away.

After he left Carol ran up to me. “OHMYGOD! That was basically porn! The way he leaned in, it was hotter then a volcano between you two.”

I exhaled and closed the locker. I forgot why I even came to my locker.

“So when are you guys going to date?” She asked me.

I scoffed. “Us? Date? No way. After last year-“

Carol groaned. “Forget about last year. We are in this new school year. Karen is gone; she’s no longer infecting these halls. And if I remember correctly, she wasn’t a huge reason between the gap that wedged you two. You made that gap bigger and now you have a chance. Look at Ethan and I. Karen got between us twice- twice! – And we are stronger then ever.”

I thought about it. Sebastian and I never really had a valid reason to not go out. He was with Karen before me yes, but it was over. Karen was just being Karen. I thought about how he didn’t allow me to fall off the ladder and smiled. I still had my doubts. I just wanted to think. I don’t want to start the new school year stressing over a relationship. I still haven’t even turned in my summer assignments.

We turned and walked into marketing.

We just walked in and we were already given our first project.

Ms. Kathy beamed and said, “Boot camp.”

“Boot camp?” Carol asked.

Ms. Kathy told us to sit anywhere. “We are starting boot camp. Freshmen boot camp as a matter of fact. You guys already passed your freshmen year. I decided we could help them with you guys doing a part and having them go through it. Presenting, professional dress, teamwork, etcetera will all be different categories and you will come up with a creative and fun lesson plan to teach them. But before we get too ahead, I need to sign your schedules.”

Carol and I sat with our old roommate Giselle. She was pretty cool.

“I hope I get to be in a group with an easy topic,” said Giselle.

Carol nodded. “Same. It’ll be less work. I dislike work.”

My mind was still reeling from my encounter with Sebastian. I really needed to stop it. I just couldn’t help it. I annoy myself.

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