Chapter 3

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Student Council elections for sophomore year have begun and that was what I needed to focus on. I turned in my packet and was waiting for the interview part. I wasn't scared about that. I always had ideas and my grades weren't bad last year. I busied myself with schoolwork and clubs. I joined GSA, Literature club, tennis club, and even SOL club, which were for Hispanic students, but hey, more chords for me.

When it was time for my interview, I wasn't nervous at all. I've been building up my stamina on presentations and such with public speaking. The interview passed and I made the teachers laugh and provided with key points when asked on what I would do as president. All that was left was my campaign that would go until the first week of October. Then voting. Exciting.

"I think for your campaign video you could have Riley and I standing in the back dressed like secret service agents," said Carol during lunch one time.

"Yeah and we could have like a fake terrorist walk up and we take him, or her woman can be terrorists too if they want, down to the floor."

I laughed. "Whoa there weirdo's calm down. I honestly don't know how to make a campaign video that's sophisticated but also makes me memorable." I saw the light bulbs shine in Carol's head and I was immediately scared.


"I look like a Japanese school girl that's going to be in some hentai video."

"Hey, hentai is art," commented Riley.

"I'm sure it is, but it's not art I want to be associated with," I said.

Carol put my hair into two ponytails that stuck out of my head. I was wearing white stockings with white platform boots. I was wearing a red poofy skirt with a white button up and black blazer.

"I think you missed the part when I said sophisticated," I told her.

She scoffed. "You are adorable. And this costume is sophisticated. You look like a model. Looks and brains is how we are going to win this election."

My opponents were a kid from House 2 who I didn't know and the other was a girl from House 1 who was really smart and a shoo-in for this election. Then there was me who is both smart and irrelevant.

Carol stepped back and clapped her hands together. We were currently in the lecture hall where we were going to film my presidential campaign video. Riley and Carol were both dressed in black suits and had black sunglasses. Riley somehow got earpieces for them and they put them in their ears.

"So while you are talking and giving your points and stuff, Riley and I will be behind you while you are speaking. We are pretending you are in Japan and it helps boost your image because you are appreciating their culture. And we all know, a good president that is able to find roots anywhere can be the cause of terrorist attacks. But that won't be you. So while you are talking, Giselle who is dressed as Godzilla, will come in and we'll take her down behind you while you continue to speak."

Clapping noises happened to the side and we turned and saw Sebastian walk down from the stage. Carol somehow got a backdrop that had the city of Tokyo on it. She also went out and got cherry blossoms. It was all very elaborate.

"What a great idea for a campaign video. Very well thought out," he said.

"What are you doing here? You have been irrelevant to me so I don't understand why you are here," I told him. Something flashed in his eyes but I didn't have time to register it because Riley stepped foreword.

"I invited him. He's the junior class vice president now who is also well known here at school. I figured it would help boost your image having him beside you since you are running for sophomore class president. He's smart, attractive, and you really need something pretty next to you. It's the way society works today."

I sighed, already becoming more self-conscious about my costume then I was before.

We got in out places to film. I sat on a stool in front of the camera on the stage. Riley and Carol got in their places behind me.

"Tell me when you're ready so I can press record on my remote thing," said Carol. Sebastian sat down next to me and leaned in close so it was I who could only hear him.

His breath was warm and minty I nearly melted.

"I like ponytails," he said. He pulled away and it took us five tries to get the video right because I kept on stuttering after that.

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