I get beat up by a blind guy

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I gulped, starring into the dull eyes of the stranger who's house I had intruded. "Again. Who are you? Why are you in my house? I can't tell your not mute." He growled. "Uh...I'm....a hero." He rolled his eyes. "That's not a name. And you still haven't answered any of my questions."

He adjusted his hands on his sword, pointing it at my chest. Hmm. Maybe it would just be better to....eh....use natures snooze button. My hand goes to my sword,careful not to make any noise to alert him of what I was doing. The boys head tilted, and in a blur he ran at me with his sword. I barley had time to finish drawing my own as he slashed at me. Wow, this guy is good!

In a matter of minutes my sword was on the floor, and the point of his sword at my neck. "I'm blind, not STUPID. Now, one more time, who are you?!?" I decided it was probably best to tell him. "My...my name is Herobrine. Your dragon friend brought me here." I admitted, my eyes darting around the room for a possible escape.

"Interesting." He looked out the room to the dragon, and made some weird hrrring noises. "You...you can talk to it?" "Him. Not it. And yes. Hmmm. Your not lying. VERY interesting. Bean tends not to like mortals." He let go of me, and picked up my sword. The way he said mortals...like he wasn't one. Weird.

"Maybe I'm not mortal......" I said mysteriously. "Well obviously." He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "May I ask what you are, then?" He said with interest creeping into his voice. "One condition, you tell me who YOU are." I bargained. "Fine." He huffed. "My name is Lupus. Your turn." "As I said, I'm Herobrine. And I'm a.......purebreed." I winced, waiting for him to summon Notch or kill me or something. "A PUREBREED?!" He gasped. "Tell me your story. NOW." And we were back to having pointy things pointed at my chest. Yay.

So what choice did I have to tell him all the misadventures of me and my sister? Later Wolf told me it was stupid of me, and I could have gotten us both killed. "For the great dragons sake!" He laughed. "You're me, new and improved!" "What?!?" I asked. This was getting more and more confusing.

"As I said, my name is Lupus. I was the original project. When Notch first started playing with DNA and spawned and such, I was the original outcome. But I was flawed." He pointed to his eyes. " And Notch would have nothing but the best. So he banished me to the End, and left me to die. I was two." He shivered. I would have felt sorry for the guy if he hadn't been threatening to kill me minutes ago. "But I don't die easily. Bean here found me, and brought me back to the dragon den. There his family raised me. Now he's the only one left. Slaughtered by invading humans, the dragons are only trying to protect their home." He looked at me sadly. "Bean must have recognized you as my kin. That's why he led you here. So where is this sister of yours?" I sighed.

"I don't know. I am support to meet her in the forest tomorrow. But I still haven't found a good base for us." I sighed. Lupus looked at me weird. "Haven't you?" "I have!?!" "Here dummy. Rest tonight. In the morning you can go find your sister." He brushed me away. "Come on Bean. We have a guest!"


Dinner turned out to be steak roasted over an open fire. It was surprisingly delicious! "Where you get this?" I asked, attempting to eat the steak delicately. Bean and Lupus had no such morals. They ate with their hands, stuffing their faces into the juicy meat. Well...I guess they were raised in the wild...."We have a portal." Lupus said with his mouth full. "How do you think we're getting you home, melon head?" He asked, finishing off his steak. "Come on. Let's get you ready."

That morning I stepped back into the overworld, waving to Lupus and Bean. It was time to reunite with my sister.

Wolfbrine and Herobrine (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now