Chapter Seven - What Now? pt. 2

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Oliver's POV: (the next day)

I was honestly quite surprised with Harlow. In the eight years of knowing her, she didn't seem like the person to handle change very well. But she didn't act out after hearing the news of her late parents and siblings. It's almost as if she was glad that she wasn't born into the Novalies. 

But what do you expect from someone who has lived in an abusive family for years? Of course she's glad her adoptive family isn't her blood family.

Harlow has always been the type of girl to hide her pain. After years, you notice it if you pay close enough attention. She won't tell people her own problems because she doesn't want to burden them with her suffering. Yet she helps others with theirs. Usually she's quite cheery, but when she's not, she gets really quiet. The deadly type of quiet. 

I had once walked in on her and some other girl arguing. Well it was mostly the other girl. Harlow just stood their silently waiting for her to finish ranting on about whatever she was babbling about. 

Eventually the girl had quieted down and expected a sassy remark in return but all she received was silence. And apparently that wasn't good enough for her because she slapped Harlow straight across the face. 

And let me tell you, it wasn't a weak slap. You could hear the sound of skin slapping on skin. The smack was quite loud. And it seemed to trigger something in Harlow, for she slowly looked up at the girl. A deadly calm settled in her eyes that made the girl rush out of the room. 

Now I've never really seen Harlow angry. But she's been deeply annoyed at some people in particular.

I'd say it's best to stay on her good side. 

Harlow nudges my side with her elbow breaking me out of my thoughts. We silently walk into the school doors. 

She whispers harshly to me, "So that's it?! We just ignore everything that happened these past couple of days and go on with our lives?" 

To which I only nod.

If she wants to be dramatic, then she can.

I'm not going to attract any unwanted attention to myself and risk my world being seen.

She then sighs and leaves to head to her desk and talk to her friends about who knows what. 

I head over to Jordan and he raises his brow in question. I only shake my head, not wanting to explain.

I'm not sure Jordan knows about the hidden world but I know his family descends from one of the kin. Which one? I don't know. But I do know he is related to one of them and perhaps doesn't want me to know, or is keeping it secret in fear of me not being like him. Or maybe he doesn't know himself. 

What I do know, is that there are many hidden supernaturals hiding in the human territory, trying to live a normal life. Many families have tried to escape the war-filled world I call a home. 

My parents have. They took me, my older brother and younger sister here to escape. I wanted the life though. I wanted to help fix our world and protect it. And in hopes to do so, it starts by protecting the heir to the throne of faeries. Harlow Novalie.

I do also know a few other families who escaped as well. One of them being the Sidra family. Aria Sidra, her little sister Astra and her parents. They're witches. The powerful kind and the good kind. They possess white magic and are well known in the outer lands, the other territories, for their incredible healing powers. Partially why Aria wants to be a doctor. To put her powers to use, but mostly to find cures for the diseases out there. She wants to make the world a better place. With her grades, she'll definitely be a plus in the healing organization. But she'll need to go to the Wrights. 

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