Forest Journey-Lemon

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lmao im bout to ruin yall childhood (or support it if you watched Ever After High)

Hear me out

Wolf! Error x Red Riding Hood! Ink

For obvi reasons, Error isnt an actual wolf. Just imagine like it is in the story(or in ever after high :D)

Plot: ink was visiting his boyfriend (I dont know who so I'm gonna just say you are (Male! Y/N) and he cheated on you because you didn't meet to his sex appeal :D

Walking through the forest, a red hooded skeleton was frolicking through the forest, going on his was to visit his lover. Their house was in the middle of the forest so he had to walk. Though his lover did say to him that he should stay away from the wolf that roams the forest looking for prey to eat.

Though, Ink had to admit he was fascinated in the half wolf half skeleton species. He has looked at some images of them and couldn't help but find the creatures to be rather cute.

As he continued throughout the forest, he was starting to get a bit hungry. So he stopped by a nearby tree and began to eat the packed lunch he made in case this would happen. Little does he know, he was being watched.


A pack of wolves were scavenging ca cave deep in the forest. The entire pack hasn't eaten in days, and they were starving. The leader of the pack, Nightmare sent out one of his best fighters to go hunt for the pack. He agreed and went on his way hunting in the forest for something to eat.

As he was scavenging through the forest, his nose picked up a smell that he's never smelt before. It smelt delicious to him, and followed the scent to kill it and bring it back to the pack.

As he followed the smell he got to where, more so, who it was coming from. As he peaked up from the bushes he saw him. A hooded skeleton walking through the forest. He started to get hungrier just looking at him. The wolf followed him until the hooded skeleton stopped by a tree to lean on. The wolf then decided to take this chance to interact closer with him.

As he got closer to him, he noticed some physical features the skeleton had. He had a black patch of paint on his right cheek, had these multicoloured eyes that change colour and shapes as he blinked, had a rainbow hued tongue, and slight freckles and had black and white bones.

He couldn't help but find the skeleton....attractive in some way. His voice sounded adorable to the wolf, and also his smell was incredibly intoxicating. He licked his lips just thinking about having him as his meal. Though hunger was there, something else was building up in him. Desperation, heat, lust.

The wolf was slowly getting more and more attracted to this hooded skeleton, getting closer and closer to him as he examined his body more, practically scanning every curve, edge and adorable imperfection he spotted. Subconsciously, a blush started to rise upon his cheeks, as he hid himself in a bush, being the closest he has been to him yet.

Though when he was in the moment, he accidentally made a noise, which got the hooded skeleton's attention, as he looked around to see where it came from

'...shit .'

He tried getting out but his head seemed to have gotten stuck between some branches. At that point, he knew he was screwed.


Ink leaned on the tree and dug in his basket for his sandwich before he heard something. He jumped a bit, startled by the sound. He wasn't scared, more like curious.

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