My Mate- Lemon

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So this I was based on a oneshot I read a while back about Ink as a cat and Error as a dog and they fucked and they're owners watched them. Like I'm sorry I'm torturing you with this fuckery I decided go write but I cant get it out of mind so I decided to write about it to see if my brain would just be like "oh so your bitchass finally caught on it was a oneshot idea fuck outta here" cause sometimes I feel my brain thinks like that.

If you know what oneshot I'm talking about pls hmu cause like I need to read it to know that I'm not crazy and my mind just not bein a bitch again.

So this is me basically writing my own version of that story cause I've been thinking of this for a while and buried it to the back of my mind so I'm sick of it and decided go write it.

Error is a breed between a golden retriever and a german shepherd.

Also, Ink is female here

Enjoy, or not ✨

Error's POV:

There was this small cat, that my owner's friend keeps bringing over whenever she comes to visit her. Her fur was brown with black spots on her body and on her face and had a cream spot on her tail. She has multicolored eyes and a scarf around her neck. At first she was really annoying, always coming near me and trying to talk to me. But now, my life feels incomplete without her. Though she may be annoying, she kept me company when pur owners are busy with whatever humans do. The way she looks at me is just so angelic. She wasnt afraid of me unlike those other animals on the block. She actually liked my company and wanted to be my friend. The way she purrs is so cute, whenever she cleans herself she always has that tongue sticking out so cutely, how innocent she looks when I try to scare her off. Her body is so flexible when she jumps in the air, how flawlessly she lands on her feet, her tail always up since she's so excited and happy all the time, it's all so perfect~

Wait...what season it is? Why am I starting to sound all flirty? Why am I feeling so hot and sweating all of a sudden?!?


It's heat season


(Fkin stereotype reason to make anyone fuck smh 😶)

I turned around as I heard the door knock. 'That means Ink is here!' I thought as I looked at the door so excited. I'm trying so hard to control my heat, fuck my life.

My owner walks over to the door to let in Ink's owner. Ink flawlessly fell from her owner's arms and landed on her feet, walking towards me.
"Hiya glitchy!"
"H-hey squid."
She then started to rub herself on me. I know cats normally do that to claim their belongings, but something about how she rubs herself on me felt so different. Her smell is so...intoxicating...and the way how she rubbed her fur against mine just makes me more hot. I could feel myself slowly loosing control of myself. I felt my ears drope down and my tail slowly starts to wag. I start to sweat and pant and whimper as she rubbed all over my body, expressing her love and affection for me. She stopped after hearing my whimpers and pants. She looked at me in the most cutest way possible, looking so confused and concerned.
"Are you okay, glitchy? You're body is really hot, and it really chilly in here. I'm a little concerned."
"N-no no, I'm fine, really!"
Ink when looked at me dead in the eyes, nose touching mine. My eyes widened as I felt myself getting more hot and excited, my tail wagging more.
"You know you can tell me anything, right? I'm always here for you if you need me; Just remember that"
Ink then "kissed" my nose and smiled at me. I felt something in me snapped and I suddenly pounced on her, pinning her to my dog bed. She looked at me so confused and a little scared. I wanted to stop, but my body doesnt want to. I can see the fear in her eyes as I looked at her dead in the eyes. My head then went to Ink's neck and ripped off her scarf, buried my nose into her neck smelling how good she is. I then heard her squeal,  which I think was the best sound I've ever heard an animal make. And I wanted to hear it again~

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