Why?- Angst

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I forgot how good I write angsty stuff so imma do one, yk, since I already done so much Fluff and Smut. Tell me if you would like more angst and I'm taking requests so if any of you guys have ideas, comment or message me :D

Also, in this story, they're not dating. Error lowkey cares about him and Ink is an oblivious bean that thinks Error only thinks of him as a friendemy. And trigger warning! (Mention and attempted suicide)

Also listen to heavy metal bro 😔🤟

Let's begin.

Ink's POV:


Another day, another AU being destroyed. Great.

Honestly I dont really care anymore if I fight. I dont even like fighting. I just wait for them to leave so I can repair it. Yes, it makes people start to hate, but I just don't care. Sometimes I dont even like eating, creating, or even sleeping. Even if I sleep I dont wanna get out of bed. For the past couple of years I've been feeling this way and as every month goes by, it gets worse. I've also been having these....thoughts...that would've been concerning to others, but ideas for me. Whenever I try to draw, it'll be only that one thing, a silhouette about to jump off a cliff of what looks like Outertale. It looked confusing at first, it's such a good idea. Sometimes when my vials run out, I like to inflict pain on myself just to see if I felt something, and I didnt. There are probably hundreds of thousands of those little cuts and scratches all over my arms and legs. No one knows, no, no one should know about this. But enough about me, I have an AU to repair.

I tried my best to get up from my bed, even though it was hard to. I dressed in my normal clothes, took my vials and went downstairs in which I saw an open portal to what I assume the portal that led to the destroyed AU. I sighed, making myself a cup of coffee, drinking it quickly before going to inevitably join the fight. I think some of my beverage spilled on my white clothing. Normally this would've made me mad, but at the moment I just care about getting this done. I quickly washed my cup and took a deep breath before walking in the portal. When I walked in I saw that everyone was staring at me. It felt uncomfortable.

Error's POV:
(Before Ink came)

Where the hell is squid?!? He's never late. Wait....why the hell am I even caring about him?!? It's not like I like him or anything.....at least I think so. Sure, he may like to visit me whenever he's not busy, likes to give me little gifts and...cuddled that one time, but that doesnt mean we like each other, right..? While I was having a mini argument with myself, I didnt notice that Ink actually walked in. When I looked at him, he looked so...out of it. Like he just came just to get it over with, and I honestly dont blame him. Sometimes, i feel like not fighting, but we're being forced to, because Nightmare wants to prove to Dream that he's better than him. That one time he spent the night by me, he had some trouble sleeping and in the morning, he didnt want to get out. His vials didnt run out, but he didnt want to leave. He was just there staring into the void, even though he hates the colour white.

Speak of the devil himself. He came out of a portal. He looked more tired than usual and had a coffee stain on his white clothes. That's so..unusual. he normally hates it.

"Ink are you doing okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine."

"Are you sure?"


Jesus he hasn't been this tired since that one time he stayed up for 2 weeks because he had work to do. Nightmare just shrugged and told everyone to go. Of course they went but I stayed back and hid in a tree. Dream and Blue were asked to go back to the base while Ink repair the AU. I know that he's peer pressure by the creators to protect and help make new AUs, and I'm pretty sure he doesnt like it, but why does he still bother? I think he overworked himself for no reason. When he was done he was about to leave until I called him out. He turned to me and he was crying. What...?
"E-error! I-it's not what it looks like I swear."
"Why...are you crying?"
"N-no reason."
"Squid we both know that's a lie. What's wrong"
"W-why do you even care?! W-we're enemies. Y-you.....you shouldn't care.. no one should."
"I chose to care because- I want to."

I cut myself off. I couldn't let him know that i liked him, even a little. I dont even think he'd love me back. He's too busy to care about relationships. I could see the confusion on his face. I just sighed.
"You know what, nevermind. I'll leave you alone."
I didnt even let him respond before i left to go to Outertale to my favorite cliff.

Ink's POV:

That was...weird. Though, i have to admit I had a little heart attack when he called me out when I was crying. But he left. Well since I'm done, might as well.....who am I kidding. I dont feel like moving. I dont even feel like doing anything. I'll just go look at stars in Outertale.

When I teleported there, I was off a cliff. The same cliff in my drawings. Maybe....this is a sign. This is a sign that I should just end it all. I stood up and looked down. It looked so beautiful. I cant wait to be one with the multiverse. I leaned of the edge, ready to accept my fate.......

Error's POV:
(When Ink teleported to Outertale)

Squid's here too? I guess we could just...try to hang out for once without trying to kill each other. Wait..... where's he going..? By a cliff?.....I dont like where this is going...What the fuck does he think he is-

I just saw Ink fall off the cliff. I let my strings grabbed onto him and I ran to the cliff trying to catch him. I caught him! OH THANK GOD! I pulled him up and I saw him emotionless, vials ran out. He looked at me so confused.

"Why did you save me?"

I sighed. I couldn't hide my emotions anymore. I dont care if he rejects me. I dont care if he hates me after this. I just need to get it out without making awkward. I jus pulled him in and kissed him as if we depended on it. I saw him looked surprised. I suddenly pulled away and smiled slightly at him

"Because I love you"

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