709 18 15

Saturday, October 2nd, 1994.
Word count: 1,924
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Very sad scenes coming.

Sam began to feel around Deena's face as she swayed from side to side

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Sam began to feel around Deena's face as she swayed from side to side. She held her head then leaned into me. "Give her the second pile Deena. Someone is here. "I told her sternly. She nodded and picked them up, putting them into her ex's mouth. Sam groaned, "Swallow it, please swallow it. "Deena whispered, Sam pushed her head back, trying to get away from the pills so I pushed it forwards.

She started to gag, making Deena look at me. I jumped up and went down the aisle, grabbing a bottle of juice. I got back and poured a little down her throat so it would go down easier. "Guess I spoke too soon "I muttered sitting back down.

"Set your watch for 5 minutes! "I yelled, quietly. She nodded and set it. Sam was still swaying to the side, and looked like she was about to throw up.

Sam curled into a ball and began to mess with her hair as she leaned into me, almost poking my eyes out. "Come on, come on! " Deena muttered, staring at the watch

Sam made a gagging noise then turned and threw up on my shoes, making me jump up and kick them off. "Fuck go get some napkins. "Deena told me, I nodded and ran down the aisle again, ripping open a thing of napkins and taking some out.

I ran back and saw Sam pointing at something. I looked up and there Skull mask was, creepily walking towards us. I ran towards Sam and Deena, telling her to hurry up and take the pills. Sam finally got Deena to look behind her, which made her scream and flip the plastic thing that was holding the pills, I lunged towards them and Ryan sliced my arm from my shoulder to my forearm, almost connecting to the cut that Ruby Lane gave me.

Ryan was about to strike again when Kate came and lit him on fire with hairspray and a lighter, "Go, go, go! "She yelled, I helped Deena pick Sam up and ran away with them. We carried Sam on our shoulders, and looked for a place to go. "I need to die. I need to die. "Sam mumbled. I nodded my head as if she was even paying attention to me. "Yes, yes you do. "I told her as we passed aisle after aisle.

"I'm gonna figure this out, I'm gonna figure this out. "Deena mumbled, then pulled us back as she looked at a crab tank across the store. She looked at me and I nodded, shrugging. We dragged her to the tank and sat her on the counter. "Okay get the crabs out while I get her up here "Deena told me, making my eyes wide. "It may be a bad time to tell you that I'm terrified of Crabs after Heather's old hermit crab from when we were 13 pinched the tip of my finger of- ""THEA! Now is not the time! Get the damn crabs out! "Deena yelled, I nodded and let out a deep breath, hopping on top of the counter and slowly taking the tiny devils out, tossing them on the floor.

"Okay now- "Deena was cut off by Kates screams. My eyes widen, and she nodded, telling me to go.

I ran towards her and saw her about to go through the bread slicer. "KATE! "I yelled, running even faster. She tried to push away from the slicer and her fingers got sliced off. But she still somehow got away, so I ran to help her.

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