Chapter 1

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*your arguing with your dad about getting married* Dad: "I'm tired of you. You need to find someone and get married y/n!"

You: "I don't want to get married after what happened last time and I don't want to get married right now anyway!"

Dad: "since you won't find someone yourself to marry, I will just find one on my own and you will marry him in two days! Come on!"

*He grabs your hand and y'all walk out of the house. Your very angry because he's making you marry someone you don't know*

*In dads mind i'm tired of y/n not wanting to get married I don't want to see her anymore.....I need to get drunk. Y'all walk into a bar*

*He's drank so much and so have you he's very drunk so he walked home you stayed You were still drinking you were tipsy you just wanted to forget that your dad was trying to get rid of you and he wanted to forget just for a night that you still exist*

*your dancing on the dance floor tipsy when you bump into someone you turn and see this tall guy about 6" with the most beautiful blue eyes you have ever seen, his hair looks so soft he looks down at you with a smile*

You: "I'm SoRrY." ???: "No iT's mY fAult." You: "I'm Y/n." Steve: "StEvE." *y'all start to talk and dance together and drink he introduces you to his friends that are also tipsy like him except one of them you sit down with them*

Nat: "yOu sEeM lIkE a NiCe PeRsOn." You: "ThAnK YoU." *then tony try's offering Peter beer* Peter: "no mr.stark I'm the only sober one and I'm driving home." Tony: "cOmE oN pEtEr jU-JuSt oNe dRiNk." Peter: "fine just one." *he takes it and drinks it after a while*

Peter: "wE aRe AlL fUcKeD uP!!!"
Everybody: "yA!!!" Bucky: "HeY dOlL yOuR HoT." *bucky tells you moving closer to you then*
Steve: "bUcKy ShE's mInE." *he says while putting his arm around you, you laugh*
The next day
*You wake up the next day head pounding and hurting like hell you sit up and realize that this isn't your room then you remember steve the guy you met last night you must have came home with him*

*you look to your side and see him moving around holding his head* You: "hey Steve." Steve: "hey y/n ....I didn't think you would remember me." You: "me ether but shhh my head hurts." *you and Steve stand up and realize that y'all have no shirt or pants on*

*he grabs a shirt and gives it to you it's not yours but you take it and put it on he then puts on some shorts and T-Shirt then y'all walk out of the room still holding your heads and walk into the kitchen to find everybody else*

You: "hi." Tony: "hello girl we met at the bar....y/n right?" You: "yes nice to meet you now that I'm not drunk." *they laugh a little but then regret it because then all of y'all's heads start to hurt* You: "what the hell happened last night?"

Bucky: "we obviously had a good fucking time."
Nat: "yup but how could we get so drunk all I can remember was drinking two beers and meeting y/n then the rest is a blur." You: "me too?" *then Thor walks in*

Thor: "guys I-I have something to confess."
Sam: "what Thor?" *he stays quite for a moment* Loki: "are you gonna tell us or not!" You: "shhh! My head hurts." Thor: "when we got to the bar I had brought Asgard liquor with me. When y/n got to our table we were already tipsy so I slipped Asgard liquor into everybody's drink and y/n's too."

*everybody looks at Thor mad* You: "your telling me that this is your fault." *he says while he drinks water* Thor: "to be honest I was already drunk from Asgard liquor." *then out of nowhere Peter jumps on Thor and starts to choke him* Thor: "I-I-I'm So-Sorry!"

You: "oh shit." *everybody stands up and starts to try and pull them apart* Clint: "peter let go!"
Peter: "no!" Bruce: "peter let go of him!" Peter: "no this is all his fault!" You: "kid are you crazy!"
Peter: "maybe I am!" *steve grabs peter and holds him while peter starts to squirm and Thor is trying to catch his breath and everybody else*

Tony: "kid calm down I know this is Thor's fault we are all mad but you can't try to kill him." *peter relaxes and Steve let's go of him then he lunges at Thor again then Steve grabs him again*

Steve: "peter calm down!" Peter: "ok ok I'm ok it's all ok now." *he lets go and peter goes to the living room then* Peter: "guys look!" *everybody runs in* Tony: "what is it?" You: "it's a CD." *they put the CD in the TV then it starts to play it starts at the bar from last night*

Whats On The CD
*Thor filming y'all are tipsy but can still remember stuff* Thor: "Guy's say hey!!!" Everybody: "Hey!!" *Thor goes to the bar to get drinks then puts Asgard liquor in everybody's drink then he heads back to the table and hands everybody there drinks*

*then y'all see Thor filming the dance floor where Steve is dancing with you very seductively. Nat and Wanda are dancing together as well then y'all head back to the table and drink more drinks with Asgard liquor inside*

*then it starts to get crazy you see that Tony is offering Peter drinks but Peter refuses then finally excepts it then seconds later he's drunk just like y'all he's on the table screaming* Peter: "We aRe AlL fUcKeD Up!!" Everybody: "yA!!!!"

*then it stops for a split second then everything is calm and you see you and Steve slow dancing, Bruce and Nat slow dancing, Wanda slow dancing with vision then it cuts off again*

*Then you see you and Steve kissing in the back of the booth y'all were seated at then Bucky comes over* Bucky: "BuDdY We NeEd To TaLk." *they stand up and walk away your talking to Nat and Wanda then Steve comes back with Bucky*

*he kneels down in front of you* Steve: "y/N wIlL yOu mArRy mE?" You: "OmG! ShUt uP. yEs!!" *you stand up and so does he and y'all kiss them it cuts off and it's at a jewelry store*

Thor: "ToNy tHis iS tHe pLaCe tO bUy ThEm tRuSt mE." *tony looks at Thor skeptical* Thor: "HeLlO i'M hErRe tO pUrChAsE rInGs fOr A wEdDiNg." Lady: "ofc take your pick." Tony: "hEy gEt tHoSe."

*he points at a pair of blue rings* Tony: "wE wOuLd lOvE tO gEt ThOsE." Lady: "ok...that will be 4,000." Tony: "AlRiGhT." *he puts the money on the counter and takes the box with the rings there walking down a street and Tony takes the rings out of the box and shows the cámara*

" *he puts the money on the counter and takes the box with the rings there walking down a street and Tony takes the rings out of the box and shows the cámara*

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*then the video cuts off*

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