Chapter 2

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We made it home and Clint ordered us something for lunch to be delivered to the house. I was still tired from last night and sore from training from yesterday, so I just sat down on the couch and decided to watch TV for a few minutes while we waited. Once he was off the phone, Clint came and sat behind me gathering me up in his arms. We watched the morning news for a few minutes until there was a knock at the door and Clint went to answer it. 

"Babe, lunch is here," he called, walking it to the table in the kitchen. I went to help him gather everything and just as we had settled back into our positions on the couch, my phone rang. It was an ACDC ringtone so I knew it was my dad. My heart dropped.

"Not a sound," I hissed at Clint. He mimed zipping his lips shut and continued to eat his lunch as I answered the phone.

"Hi dad," I said trying to sound chipper and excited. I only talked to him a couple times a week because he thought I was all over the place so I had to be excited when I did.

"Hey kiddo. I didn't know if you would be up, I'm sure it's late by you. I wasn't exactly sure of the time difference with you being in Norway. I just wanted to see how things were going?" he asked on the other end.

"Oh you know me, just busy. I try to stay as busy as I can and get as much work done as possible," I replied setting my plate down. Clint had already finished and he had gotten bored of the TV so he had muted it and pulled me into him again.

"Don't work too much kiddo, you're only 24, you don't want to go gray just yet," dad said chuckling.

"Well, I'm a Stark, what can I say?" I replied with a chuckle of my own. Clint had decided that now was a perfect time to unzip my jeans and stick his hand inside my underwear and mess with my clit. I gasped as his finger made contact.

"You ok kiddo?" Dad asked me, sounding concerned.

"Yeah, I'm good. So what's new with you?" I asked, a little breathlessly, as I tried and failed to get Clint's hand away from my clit. His finger was making slow, torturous circles now and it was taking all of my willpower to keep my breathing under control while talking to my father. He was going on about his suits and I was really not paying attention at all, trying with everything in me not to moan in my father's ear.

"You sure you're ok? You sound a little out of breath?" dad asked sounding concerned.

"Yeah, sorry, I was on the treadmill when you called," I said breathing hard.

"Well I suppose exercise is always a good thing. I know I called you, but what are you doing up so late?" he asked sounding surprised.

"Couldn't sleep. Dad, I need to go, I'll call you later. Love you dad," I said quickly.

"Love you too kiddo, get some sleep," he said sounding concerned. I hung up the phone quickly just as my orgasm rushed over me.

"Such a good girl," Clint growled in my ear. "I really didn't think you could do it."

"You're such an ass. You just want him to find out about us don't you?" I asked him as he pulled his hand out of my pants. He stood up, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I yelped and laughed.

"It would be nice to not have to lie about everything," he teased, carrying me into the bedroom. He threw me lightly onto the bed. Once I was on the bed, he crawled on top me.

"But I have to admit, watching you trying not to moan on the phone like that was incredibly hot," he whispered, taking my hand and putting it on the front of his pants. "You see what you do to me kitten?"

"Mmmm, you going to do something about it Hawk?" I asked, nipping his earlobe. He growled and reached down to pull my jeans off. He loved it when I called him by his code name.

"Yes I am. Prepare yourself, kitten," he whispered, smirking at me. Heat instantly pooled between my legs.

"Give me your best shot," I replied lifting my arms above my head. And he proceeded to do just that.


I hadn't realized that we had fallen asleep until I heard a pounding on my front door. I jerked awake and grabbed my gun from the bedside table. I grabbed Clint's shirt, slipping it on before slowly walking into the living room. Holding my gun up, there was another pounding on my door. Clint was awake and in some running shorts at this point and we were both in the living room, guns pointed at the door. 

"Oh come on Rory, I know you are in there," said the voice of my best friend and fellow SHIELD agent, Natasha. I relaxed and lowered my gun, walking over to open the door. She was unsurprised to see me in only Clint's shirt. She only smirked and raised an eyebrow before walking in and sitting on the couch.

"Sure Nat, come on in," I said sarcastically. She laughed.

"Hey Nat," Clint said walking out from the bedroom with some shorts for me. Partial nudity was nothing new or awkward between Nat and I. We had seen each other naked on an undercover assignment about two years ago and after that it was never weird for us. 

"I wanted to come see you before I left," she said as I sat down on the couch and Clint sat in one of our armchairs.

"Where are you going?" I asked tucking my legs under me.

"Back to Russia. Some arms dealer bullshit. And of course they need the black widow for it," she replied rolling her eyes.

"Well they just know, that no one can do the job better than you, Nat," Clint said looking over at her.

"Yeah, I suppose," she replied. "Anything new for you?" I told her about the assignment starting the next morning, and about my reservations about working with the tesseract.

"I'm going to throw Clint's words right back at you. They knew they needed the best for this, that's why they called you. Hell you graduated from MIT at 17 for crying out loud," she said reassuringly, taking my hand.

"That's what I told her," Clint said, smiling. I smiled a bit.

"Alright, I get it. It's just there is a lot riding on this. This is my grandfather's work. I can't screw this up," I said repeating myself again.

"You won't," Clint and Nat said together. We sat and talked with Nat for hours, eventually ordering dinner and hanging out, until Nat said she had to get going. She was going to be on a jet to Moscow in just a few hours and she had to finish getting ready to go. By that time it was late, and I was ready for bed. 

"Do you want to stay up still or do you just want to go to bed?" Clint asked getting up and walking into the kitchen.

"I'm just going to bed. My stomach is in knots and I doubt I'm going to get much sleep anyway," I replied feeling queasy.

"Alright, I'm going to get something to drink and I'll be in to bed in a few minutes," he said. I went to kiss him goodnight and then to lay down. I don't even remember him coming to bed, because I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

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