Chapter 4

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As we pulled up to Stark Tower the next evening, I began to feel nervous. My father wasn't overly observant but Pepper was. Clint and I would need to be very careful while we were here.

"We need to be very careful about what we do and say while we are here," I explained to him. I was wringing my hands in nervousness. He sighed and took my hands in his after he had turned off the car.

"Babe, we had this conversation last night. I will be careful, I promise. I'm simply here as your security for the next few days," he said rubbing my hands in his.

"You know, I'm pretty sure dad had all the bedrooms here soundproofed through Jarvis's system, though. If we find a private moment, it might not be a totally boring few days for you," I teased, leaning over to nibble at his earlobe. He groaned.

"Kitten, if you do that again, I'm not even going to make it into the tower," he whispered, adjusting the front of his pants, where I was proud to see that he was having a hard time hiding his growing bulge from me.

"Later lover," I whispered into his ear. I stepped out of the car and he groaned again, this time extremely frustrated. He went around to the trunk and pulled our bags out. He and I walked through the parking garage toward the elevator and as we waited, he set the bags down and pulled me in for one last deep kiss. He smirked at me as he pulled away and stepped into the elevator.

"Why do we do this to each other?" I asked sighing in frustration. He only laughed and adjusted the front of his pants again. A short elevator ride later and we were stepping out onto the 75th floor of the tower to see Pepper and my dad waiting for us. 

"Kiddo!" dad called, walking towards me with his arms held out for a hug. I smiled and stepped into his arms.

"Hi dad," I said happily. He held me tight for a minute and let me go, holding my arms and looking at me.

"You changed your hair," he said eyeing it closely.

"It grew out dad. That tends to happen when you don't cut it," I laughed. "Hi Pepper!"

"Hey kiddo!" She said and pulled me into a hug as well. "Why don't you introduce us to your friend here?" 

"Of course. This is Cal Miller. He is my personal bodyguard while I'm in New York," I explained. We had decided that a fake name was best for right now and that it would keep dad away from any thoughts of SHIELD. He had met several of the agents before and we couldn't risk that he had heard Clint's name before.

"Mr. Stark, Ms. Potts," Clint said nodding at them both. "I'm sorry to be rude, but where is your restroom?"

"Down that hall, second door on the left. Rory's room is just across from it and your room is right next to hers. I'm assuming they want you to be as close to Rory as possible, you being here for security and all?" dad said pointing down the hall. 

"Yes sir. I would be glad to discuss my security plan for your daughter's safety with you just as soon as I have used the restroom and dropped off our bags," he replied nodding. I could tell his erection that I had given him in the car was getting to him but thankfully it didn't seem like dad could tell. Dad just nodded and Clint made his way off down the hall.

"So dad, tell me more about how everything is going. I'm excited to see how well everything goes tomorrow," I said, walking over to the couch and sitting down. 

"Aren't you tired kiddo? You could go get a nap and we can talk later," dad said, looking at me.

"Nah, we slept on the plane," I replied with a smile. I knew that I had to keep the charade going with me having been in Norway.

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