Chapter 15

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As we made our way into New York city, it was clear that shit had already hit the fan. There were people running in all directions, screaming in fear as alien flyers, flew over their heads trying to blow things up. As we turned around a corner, Stark Tower came into view and the magnitude of the situation hit us. 

"What the hell?" I whispered. On top of the tower was a device, and coming from that device was a huge beam of blue light. At the very top of that beam, in the sky, was a black hole from which hundreds of alien creatures were flying. I turned towards the tower and could see Thor on one of the balconies, fighting Loki.

"There's Thor and Loki," I informed Clint, who brought the jet around and aimed the guns at Loki. He caught sight of us and aimed the scepter at the jet, releasing a beam of energy toward it. Clint tried to swerve out of the way, but it hit one of the engines, immediately causing us to go into a tailspin. Steve and I held on for dear life, while Clint and Nat did everything they could to land us safely. It wasn't the greatest landing we had ever had but we were alive. I stood up from the floor and dusted myself off. Clint was out of his seat and in front of me in seconds. 

"Are you ok?" he asked, holding my arms and looking me over to make sure I wasn't hurt.

"I'm ok. I promise," I replied. He nodded and we all walked out of the jet. Once we had stepped onto the street, it was like a war zone. Half of a building to our right was destroyed and their were cars that had been blown up, everywhere.

"We need to get back up there," Steve said thoughtfully looking up at the tower again. I looked around, hoping for an idea, but my head whipped up again as there was a loud growling coming from the portal. Looking up, we saw the biggest and ugliest worm-like creature I had ever seen. Clint stepped in front of me protectively and notched a bow in his arrow.

"Stark are you seeing this?" Steve asked through the comms.

"Seeing, still working on the believing. Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" dad asked suddenly catching us all off guard. Apparently while I had been with Clint in the med bay Bruce and Thor had gotten lost.

"Banner?" I asked, confused.

"Just keep me posted," dad said and his comm cut out and he flew over us after the Leviathan as Thor had called it earlier. Just then some of the Chitauri alien flyers headed towards us and Steve motioned for us to find cover. We all took cover by a café that looked as though half of it had been bombed as they flew overhead, led by-

"Loki," I snarled when I saw him on the flyer in front. He had a smirk on his face and I wanted nothing more than to wipe it off. 

"There are people down there that need help," Steve mumbled.

"Go, we can handle this," I told him grabbing an arrow from my quiver and notching it in my bow. I straightened up and aimed for a moment before loosing the arrow, hitting one of the Chitauri between the eyes.

"Have I said how much I love you today?" Clint asked. I laughed.

"Only once or twice," I replied smirking. 

"You sure you can hold them off?" Steve asked as he stood.

"Captain, it would be my genuine pleasure," Clint said, loosing an arrow and killing an alien without even looking.

"Show off," I mumbled, rolling my eyes.

"You'll get there, kitten," he replied, smirking. I smiled back and he, Nat and I continued to kill as many of them as we could. Clint and I began to keep track as a kind of game.

"I think that's thirty-five for me," I said after killing three more.

"Well catch up, I'm already at almost fifty," Clint said, sounding playfully disappointed in me. Again I rolled my eyes and shot one over his shoulder that had raised its gun to shoot him in the back.

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