Another place Part 2

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Sam opens his eyes to his room
Sam looked disappointed Hoping a

      Adventure awaited him.

He groaned and got up to his parents distant as usual. You could cut the tension with a knife. He returned to the book store to return the books to find it replaced. With another library Sam walks inside to a huge library. With books he had never seen. He looked up in awe at a stair case and then opened a book. About medieval times with knights and castles. Sam sat down and started to read. When the pages became blank and a hex and a stunning black light blind Sam he looked up to be in a barn with different clothes and a pouch with the books. He was scared and confused. Sam walked around and found nothing. He opens the barn door to a completely other place and seems that he traveled to medical times his vision is library he adjusts and sees a man yelling something. As the man gets closer he can make out the words... "Thief!" the man said over and over but. He is not the man to wait and how can you blame him? He runs into a nearby town nearby stumbling. Then he sits in a nearby alley where too men are waiting for their prey. They grabbed his backpack and searched through it. One strong and fat and one skinny and puny. They showed their yellow teeth frustrated. And the skinny.

one threw him across the wall they dropped his backpack and walked away. But not before Sam caught a glance of the big ones knife. Sam sighed in relief..

his fate would have been worse. He reached for his backpack rubbing his head to find the book. He looked through the book and all the chatter in the town stopped. Sure enough when he looked up he was in the library.     (More at 20 views and don't forget to share to your friends and family.)

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