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*trigger warning: minor and adult affair (not descriptive)*

Ellie had walked into work that morning unusually cheery, not going unnoticed by everyone.
"Well, well, well," Ms. Viola called out when Ellie stepped into the building, "you look awfully happy this morning."
This statement hadn't been missed by Nick, who had walked over to the front desk.
"Why, yes, Ellie. You've got a glow this morning," he teased.
"Well, it's a beautiful day today," Ellie smiled and walked into her office. Nick trailed behind.
"By the way you're acting, it's almost giving off the impression that you spent time with someone last night that you'd happily spend time with again," he joked and closed the door behind them.
        "Yikes, we wouldn't want people thinking that, would we?" Ellie joked back.
"So you woke up this morning..."
"Good observation."
"Did you... regret staying over? Regret... being with me last night?"
She smiled and tilted her head to the side a little, "no, I don't regret it. Again, thank you for letting me stay."
"It was my pleasure," he acknowledged.
There was a short moment of silence between them, comfortable silence. Nick cleared his throat.
"Um.. I'm going to try my luck again... I was wondering if you wanted to get dinner sometime?" It was short, sweet and to the point but Ellie's brain stopped working.
"Uh, yea- yeah. I would love that," she answered, her smile still plastered on her face.
"Great. Uh, what about Italian? There's a great place a couple of blocks from my place, I could pick you up... tomorrow?"
"Sounds... like a date," she accepted, nodding.
"It sure does," he was fidgeting with his fingers, Ellie thought he looked adorable.
"Nicky.. you in there with Officer Slater?" Officer Kapinski asked from behind Ellie's office door.
"Uh, yeah. Just a minute," he answered then turned back to the woman, "I guess I'll see you later, then."
"I guess you will," she replied.
He had slipped out, Officer Kapinski leaving the door open slightly to wave, then closing it again. She was alone.


Noon had rolled around pretty quickly. Ellie sat in her office, listening to The Beatles on her Walkman and eating a a turkey sandwich from the diner across the street. She held a book out in front of her, Lady Susan by Jane Austen, reading it as she ate. The woman was nearly finished with it, only 50 or so pages left, she stopped in her tracks. She heard a voice from her walkie talkie.
     "Officer Slater, you copy?"
      "I copy, what's up, Officer Kapinski?"
      "We've got an issue.. down at the super market. Some crazy shit is going down. Nick's on his way, I just wanted to let you know. I know you're on lunch.. I just.. You're not required to come in and check it out. There's two teens deceased."
        "Simon Kalivoda and Kate Schmidt."
       Ellie's heart dropped into her stomach, those were the kids. From the crash, from the incident with Ms. Lane, they were probably with the kids who were telling Nick about the dead killers.
      "I'm on my way in."


      When Ellie reached the supermarket, there were news reporters and writers littering the outside of the building.
      "Here's Officer Slater on the scene now, Officer, what have you heard so far?" Someone with a microphone said as they walked up to her.
      "I have to go inside, sorry. Everyone, you're standing in a crime scene, I need you all to leave," she ordered, making her way through the crowd.
      Nobody seemed to listen to her, as none of them moved. Ellie ignored them and continued to walk into the supermarket.
     It reeked of death and sweat. Officer Kapinski was the first to see Ellie, "Officer Slater, over here."
She walked over to him, he was squatted next to Nick, whose eyes were wide looking at her.
"Estella, what are you doing here?"
"Oh, Nicky, I called her in. She said she didn't mind," Kapinski explained and Nick stood to go near the girl.
     "I really don't think I want you here," he whispered.
     "Well, Nicky, this is my job," she pushed him aside and bent down near Officer Kapinski.
      "Like I said, two teens deceased, Kate Schmidt and Simon Kalivoda. The girls head was put through a bread slicer," he revealed.
      "And the boy?" Elie questioned.
      "Hit with an axe."

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