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        "Hey! Let her the fuck down, Goode," Ellie stormed to the mess where Melissa, Will and Sheila stood. Ziggy had her hands tied above her head, and knotted to a tree.
"Oh, look, Berman, your savior is here," Sheila snarled, holding up a lighter that wasn't ignited.
"What's going on?" Ellie snapped, finally reaching the four of them.
"She's a goddamned thief!" Melissa exclaimed, holding up ten dollars.
"Melissa, don't pretend like mommy wouldn't just give you more," Ellie crossed her arms, looking the girl in the eyes.
"You better watch yourself, Slater."
"Or what?" Ellie stepped closer to her, daring her, "what the fuck are you going to do?"
Melissa's built up anger let loose, her left hand swung backwards and made contact with Ellie's left cheek. Ellie didn't move an inch, she kept her guard up, holding her cheek. She gathered her strength and swung a mean backhand at her, making Melissa stumble backwards.
"You bitch!" She yelled before getting up and lunging towards Ellie.
The sudden force caused her to double back, but she soon caught herself, pinning Melissa to the ground.
"I think you better watch yourself, Melissa. Or I swear to god-"
Ellie couldn't finish her threat, as a heavier weight jumped on top of her, pulling her off of the vile teenager.
Will Goode had been that weight, he was now cat fighting Ellie, his legs on either side of her torso that was stiffly on the ground.
Ellie swung a couple of punches at Will, but soon realized that he was a lot stronger. She wouldn't accept defeat from a Goode, though.
She reached for the pocket knife on her belt, switching it open and making it seen to Will's eyes. It didn't scare him, he had been in plenty of knife fights and knew what to do. He grabbed her wrist and took the switchblade into his own hand, slashing a giant line on the front of Ellie's left bicep.
She let out a screech and kicked him off of herself.
"Dammit, Will. That's was fucking stupid," Sheila yelled, taking the knife from his hand and throwing it down at Ellie. Ellie caught it quickly and stood up, facing the three of them with the blade out and pointed at them.
Ziggy was now standing behind Ellie, not hurt but bleeding from her nose.
"You assholes are fucking crazy, and if you touch either of us again, I'll fucking kill all of you," she breathed out, clutching into her bicep to stop the bleeding.
"Hey!" A voice from the woods shouted, "what the hell is going on?"
Kurt and Nick fast paced walked into the scene, where Melissa was now in Ellie's face again.
"You think you can fucking threaten me and get away with it?" She snarled, inching closer to Ellie's open switchblade.
"I just fucking did," Melissa lunged at Ellie again, but Ellie saw it coming and lunged as well.
Kurt caught Ellie in the act, and Nick held onto Melissa.
"I'll ask again, what the fuck is going on?" Kurt growled, his finger digging into Ellie's slashed bicep, making her wince.
She elbowed him off of her, and neared Ziggy, making sure she wasn't getting herself into trouble.
"She threatened to kill us," Will confessed, pointing a finger at Ellie like a child.
"He fucking slit my arm with a knife," Ellie yelled, eyeing Will.
"What?" Kurt and Nick shouted at the same time, Nick worriedly looking at the blood pour from Ellie's wound.
"She pinned Melissa to the ground," at this point, Will and Ellie were at each other's throats, constantly pointing fingers at one another.
"Melissa slapped the shit out of me."
"Ellie couldn't keep her mouth shut," Sheila joined in, earning a hurtful glance from Ellie.
"Stop blaming each other, who started it?"
"They hung Ziggy from the fucking tree!" Ellie yelled, gesturing to the tree in front of them.
"Is that true?" Nick asked, looking at his siblings. Ellie scoffed, crossing her arms and looking away. As if Ellie would lie to him.
"Ziggy is a thief, she stole our money," Sheila told, eyeing Ziggy.
There was a moment of silence, and Kurt looked around at everyone.
"Did you see her take it?" He asked.
"We all did," Will responded.
"Alright, well that's it Berman, five strikes. You're out," Kurt called.
"She's out? They just tried to fucking murder us," Ellie yelled defensively.
"Yeah, and I'll deal with them. But first, get back to camp, call her mommy, because she's done at Nightwing. You're next, Slater. One more strike, and you're going with her."
"I didn't do it," Ziggy confirmed.
"Oh yeah? Just like you didn't set the camp flag on fire? Or let out the camp rabbits? Or graffiti the outhouse stalls? And you, Slater. Sneaking out at night, carrying around a knife, fighting. I warned you-"
Kurt was quickly cut off by Melissa, "it's not their fault, really. They're both possessed by Sarah Fier."
Ellie stiffly chuckled, "You wanna see possessed?" and lunged towards Melissa. Nick quickly caught the girl and held her against him while she violently tried to break free from his grasp.
"Little brother, you're standards have gotten pretty low," Melissa snarled, smiling innocently at the two.
"You goddamn-," Ellie tried again to break free from Nick's grasp, and Nick spoke above her.
"Look, we kick her out, somebody is going to ask about the cut on her arm. Then who's in trouble? Let's just let this one slide, yeah?" Nick reasoned, still holding onto Ellie.
"Alright. One more strike for either of you, and you're both out. You hear me, Slater?" Kurt confirmed.
"Wow, being bossed around by a Goode," Ellie broke free and looked at Nick, "some things never change."
Ellie grabbed Ziggy's arm and jogged away, through the woods and towards camp.
"God I hate that little bitch," Kurt mumbled, turning away from Nick, who instinctively followed the girls.
Once Ellie and Ziggy successfully reached right outside of camp, Ziggy finally decided to say something to her.
"I didn't need your help," she spat, turning on her heel to look at Ellie.
"Yeah, clearly."
"I'm serious, it was none of your business and I could've handled it. You just made the situation worse," she scolded, and Ellie rolled her eyes.
"For fuck sake, Ziggy. Just be lucky I saved your ass again. I need you to stop stealing, setting shit on fire, letting out animals and spray painting shit. I wouldn't have even had to step in if you would just follow the goddamn rules. Now go to the cabin!" Ellie exclaimed, making Ziggy furiously turn and walk towards the cabins.
"Goddamnit," Ellie muttered under her breath, as she wiped the blood leaking from her arm.
"Hey," Nick jogged up to her, "you should probably have nurse Lane check out that cut."
"No, I think I'm gonna let it get infected and die," Ellie harshly spat as she started to walk again.
"What, and I don't even get a thank you?" He asked, making Ellie stop walking and turn to him.
"Oh! Sorry, I forgot. Thank you, king of Sunnyvale, future police chief Nick Goode, for rescuing poor, helpless, shadysider me! How could I ever repay you? Please, Nick. I'm the last person you need to be protecting here. The first is your fucking sister, because if she keeps up her bullshit, she won't leave this camp alive," Nicks face dropped, and Ellie quickly shot him the middle finger, jogging back into camp.
Before reaching the nurses office, Ellie was met with kids upon kids scattered around the front.
"Color war begins tonight, guys! Line up and grab a shirt!" Gary yelled into Ellie's ear.
"Blue is for beautiful, if you live in Shadyside. Red is for radiance if you live in Sunnyvale. Despite our differences, we're all perfect," Joan softly shouted, once she saw Ellie a smile appeared on her face and she said, "even you, Ellie Slater!"
Ellie reached nurse Lane's office shortly after, she opened the door and let herself in. It wasn't the first time she had came in. After her and Ziggy's fight, she's been eating lunch with the older woman. She was sweet and kind, it was distasteful how much Ellie wished she had someone like that in her life, permanently.
"Nurse Lane! Hello," Ellie called out, "I'm in trouble again, help."
No response was heard and Ellie got impatient, walking down the hall, "come on, I could die any minute now."
She walked into one of the rooms, nurse Lane's desk was littered with papers and books and Ellie's curiosity got the best of her. She walked towards it, examining the book.
There was a big circle sketched out in marker, in Ellie's eyes, it looked freakishly satanic.
"What the hell," she whispered to herself, flipping the page.
"What are you doing?" Said a voice from behind Ellie, making her jump and spin around.
"Oh, my god. Nurse Lane, you scared the shit out of me," Ellie laughed but quickly stopped, noticing the woman's baggy eyes and sickly expression, "are you okay?"
"I, uh," she sniffled before noticing Ellie's slashed arm, "oh my goodness. Ellie, Ellie, Ellie. What did we do now?"
She led the young girl into another room, as she rummaged through drawers. She finally took out a stitching kit and sat down to sew up the cut.
As she put the needle through Ellie's arm, Ellie let her curiosity roam again, "so, um, what's 'the witches mark'?"
Nurse Lane stopped stitching for a second to look Ellie in the eyes, "you know about my daughter, right? Ruby Lane.."
Of course Ellie knew about Ruby. Everyone in Shadyside knew about her, it brought chills to Ellie's body as she thought of it.
"Uh- I don't-" Ellie's was at a clear lost for words.
"Of course you do. Everybody talks, I know," nurse lane began with the fourth and last stitch, "tell me. What do they say?"
"Oh, uh, they say she, uh, she killed people," Ellie was clearly uncomfortable and repositioned herself in the chair, "at a party. Sev- seven friends."
"Eight," nurse lane corrected, putting away the needle and grabbing bandages and oil, "she killed herself that night too. So eight."
Ellie flinched as she began to spread disinfected rub on the wound, but nurse Lane didn't stop talking.
"Ruby was such a sweet girl. Oh, and she had a sweet voice. She was in choir. She wanted to be a singer," she started to wrap Ellie's arm, but her voice quivered, "I was to proud of her. So proud. The doctors say it was a psychotic episode."
Ellie knew, she kept up with the papers. She even stole police documents to read up about it. It peaked her interest in murder cases, which peaked her interest in wanting to be a police officer, which peaked her interest in being sheriff.
"That she just snapped. But the kids, the kids say Sarah Fier made her do it," nurse Lane tightened the bandage, making Ellie's wince.
"That's a little tight," she whispered.
"What do you think?"
"I don't-"
"Because I think you don't go from being sweet girl with dreams to ripping someone's insides out with a switchblade," she stated, still tightly wrapping the bandage.
"Nurse Lane," Ellie warned, but she wasn't listening.
"People usually kill for a reason, and sometimes that reason is justified. Sometimes killing isn't murder, sometimes it's necessary," Ellie started to panic as she felt the blood stop circulating in her left arm.
"That's hurting me," she stated again.
"Sometimes it is good."
"Nurse Lane!" Ellie snapped, shouting as she stood up, ripping her arm away from the woman.
She stopped talking and her breath hitched, "once a day for three days," she said as she shoved a small, circular cylinder in Ellie's hands. She quickly got up and rushed away, back into hiding.
Ellie stood in the same spot for a moment, in awe.
She quickly ran out of the building, only to be met face to face with Tommy, Cindy and Ziggy.
"Ellie! We need to talk," Tommy said sternly, pulling Ellie with the rest of the group and into cabin 2.
"What happened, don't lie to us," Cindy ordered sternly.
"Ellie got into a fist fight with the Goode's," Ziggy quickly confided. Ellie was quiet, still thinking about Nurse Lane.
Tommy made a face, first of confusion, then fury, "which Goode's?"
Ellie opened her mouth to answer him before Ziggy cut her off, "Melissa and Will. She pulled a knife on them, and then Kurt tried to kick me out."
"Hold on, hold on. You pulled your knife out on Will and Melissa?" Tommy questioned.
"For self defense," Ellie defended.
"And then what happened?" Cindy asked, looking to Ziggy.
"And then she threatened to kill them. Then Nick and Kurt came."
"I wouldn't have had to do any of that if you didn't steal their shit!" Ellie yelled, catching Tommy and Cindy off guard.
"Why have you two been fighting?" Cindy asked, but Ellie was focused on the woman outside of the window. Nurse Lane stood, looking out to the camp.
"Did someone do something to Nurse Lane? Like.. make fun of her daughter?" Ellie asked.
"You know what happens if you two get kicked out right?" Cindy tried to ignore Ellie.
"Ellie are you listening?" Tommy queried, looking at the girl.
Ellie looked back at him, "she was upset."
"We don't care, Ellie! Do you hear what I'm saying?" Cindy argued.
"Loud and clear, ma'am," Ellie rolled her eyes, leaning on the window frame, looking back at Nurse Lane.
"Clearly you both don't because we had this conversation already," Cindy tried to pull both of the girls attention.
"Ellie, if you get kicked out, were both going to have to go home. You wanna spend the rest of your summer cooped up with dad?" Tommy stated.
"Im not going to get kicked out," Ellie mumbled, already tired of the conversation.
"That's not what Kurt thinks," Cindy shook her head, crossing her arms and looking at Ziggy.
"Well, Kurt can suck my dick," Ellie deadpanned, crossing her arms. Ziggy chuckled instinctively.
"No, Ellie. No. And Ziggy, if you get kicked out, I do too. Mom can't work and take care of you. Then how will I pay for college, huh?" Ziggy let out a chuckle, "oh that's funny to you?"
"Yeah, kinda."
"Explain to me what's so funny," Cindy asked, Tommy made a face and pointed at the door, telling Ellie to slip out quietly while they fight. She listened, quietly stepping out of the cabin with Tommy following.
"Stell, come on, dude. Look at me," Ellie finally glanced his way, "I thought we were both having fun here. I'm with Cindy, we're having a great time. You found Nick-"
"I did not 'find' Nick. Okay? There is nothing between us and there will never be," Ellie defensively whisper/shouted.
Tommy raised his eyebrow, "what did he do to you?"
"Nothing, I'm just so goddamn tired of people thinking we're fucking dating. Besides, if I get kicked out, what would happen then? I go home and have to tell dad what happened. Then he wants to know all of the details, then I have to tell him his daughter, who is all ready grounded for hooking up with another girl, started to date Nick Goode? He would shit twenty bricks. He'd rather me be date Joan then grow up to be Mrs. Goode. And for fucks sake, me too. But yes, Tommy. I will be on my best behavior so you and your girlfriend can continue to pretend to be characters out of a fucking book," she yelled, but she didn't mean to. It was typical of her to let her anger get the best of her. It happened with Ziggy, it happened with Melissa and Will, it happened with Nick. Now it happened with Tommy, the only person who could usually cool her down. She didn't need to hear the rest of Cindy's cry for help, or Tommy's plan to fix what was broken.
Tommy was silent, his eyes fixed on Ellie's. He felt as if it was his fault. Where did she go? His little sister that used to play with barbies and steal cookies out of the jar on the kitchen counter. He knew that it was undoubtedly his fathers mark on her. He hoped that the Ellie he knew, the sweet and kind Ellie, would eventually make her way back to earth. But for now, she'd say stupid things, and hurt peoples feelings. She'd wreck her own relationships because she didn't know how to fix them.
Ellie knew she was the problem, her father made sure she knew she was the problem.

{August 19. 4:50 p.m.. 2848 words}
Twitter for updates: @dokiewrites
Hope you enjoyed.
I actually really enjoyed writing this chapter, it's probably one of my favorites so far.
Let me know what you thought of it.
Have a good day/night/evening!

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