Too Many Reasons

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Hello, everyone. This is an FYI chapter, as well as a request chapter. Basically, these are things that happened and preferences that aren't a big part of the story.
You can leave your suggestions on what you want to hear or see on this upload.
ANOTHER ONE (dj Khalid)

• one time, Ellie made Sam Deena and Josh lunch. She cut their sandwiches into triangles and added fruit in the shape of flowers and hearts.

• the high school that Sam Deena and josh goes to had a field trip to a monument on the outskirts of Sunnyvale and Shadyside. Ellie was asked to go by the school to chaperone and be security. While Ellie was working, she heard some kid call Deena and Sam the D slur. She got him anonymously kicked off of the football team, and got him suspended for a week.

• Ellie's favorite horror movie is Halloween. She watched it the day it came out, October 25, 1978. Her mother begged her to go to the movies that day, she hadn't been doing much. Just going to school and back. When the movie was starting at the drive in, Melissa pulled up right next to her. Will and Nick were also with her, but Melissa kept making snarky comments like, "where have I seen this before?" Ellie didn't finish the movie, she left before it ended. Years later, she rewatched it and loved it. She watches it every Halloween night now.

• when Ellie and Tommy were kids, Tommy would sing Yesterday by The Beatles to get Ellie to fall asleep when there parents were fighting . (Ages 8-11).

• the only two people who have ever seen Ellie cry is Nick and Tommy.

• Nick and Ellie watched Return of the Living Dead 3 She's To Die For together when it came out. They both agreed that it was terrible, but enjoyed the date.

• Ellie smells like old books and coffee. Nick smells like old wood and coconut.

• Nick and Ellie have actually had many "grown up sleepovers."

• Nick hums in his sleep.

• Ellie used to smoke to cope with stress, but she had stopped after she joined the station, but she secretly started back up again.

• Ellie Ziggy Deena and Sam believe astrology, Martin is blatantly confused by it, Nick is always trying to learn, and Josh doesn't believe in it.

• Ellie has a scar on the top of her hand from where Logan stabbed her with a knife when she was 15.

• Gary was Ellie's best friend. No if ands or buts. The friendship she has with Ziggy is not a best friendship, it is a sister bond. Same goes for Tommy, it's a sibling bond.

• Ellie is a cat person, but adores all animals in general.

• once, Nick was dropping off some papers at Ellie's house. But he ended up staying the entire night, they watched a bunch of horror movies together.

• Ellie's boggart (for my hp fans) would be Tommy being disappointed in her.

• Tommy had to teach himself how to shave. He went to school with his face all marked up and Melissa made fun of him.

• Gary was friends with Nick. Which is why Ellie new that Nick wasn't like his family.

• Cindy taught Ellie how to do things like shave her legs and insert a tampon.

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