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     Dinner time rolled around quickly, Nick and Ellie had spent all day out on the lake together, watching campers. Ellie hadn't officially gotten over her fear and dislike for the lake, and she was just glad it was over.
      Each group rotated three times. The group that started out with arts and crafts came to the lake for their second round. Then came in the ones who started at the pool with Tommy, then the ones who started with playing capture the flag.
       Therefore, dinner was very quiet. Most of the campers were so worn out, their food ended up being wasted.
       No kids drowned, Ellie had called it a successful first full day.

      Ellie woke up with a groan, as Ziggy shook her violently.
      "Get up!" She began to jump on the bed, making Ellie sit up right.
      "I'm up." She groaned.
      "Ms. Ellie, counselor Kurt said he needed to talk to you. He's near the outhouses," said Stacey, one of the campers in Ellie's cabin.
      "Gah... okay," Ellie wiped her she's tiredly and pulled the blanket off of her.
      "The outhouse? Why didn't he just call you to the mess hall or something? What if he's going to murder you?" Ziggy rambled.
       "God, I hope so," Ellie mumbled and got ready.
       She brushed her teeth and hair, then slipped on an outfit. Jean shorts and a plain black tank top. She slipped on her brown converse and pushed the door of the cabin open.
       Making her way to the outhouse, she realized, it was odd Kurt was calling her to the outhouse. Why not any other places?
"Kurt? Kurt.." she sang out, "what the fuck do you want?"
Three knocks came from inside the outhouse, she opened it without much hesitation.
       As she walked inside, she noticed the eery silence. The door closed behind her, making her jump and turn around.
      "Nick, what the fuck?"
      "Good morning, Ellie," he smiled and grabbed her waist, pulling her close.
     "Uh... good morning," Ellie was sort of shocked.
      "Kurt wants to meet in the mess hall," he confessed, "we're doing 'camp football' today."
       Ellie groaned and pulled away from the boy, "I hate football."
       "He put out a ballot last night, everyone wanted to play football."
       "Why does he want us, then?"
        "Team captains," Nick smirked, laying his hands in either side of his own hips.
        "You and me?"
        "Mhm," he nodded, "Tommy and Cindy are on foul duty, Kurt is ref and Gary is on ball duty."
        "Prepare to lose, Goode."
        "Over my dead body, Slater."


       "Everyone who is participating in the game, step forward," Kurt called.
        Twenty kids stepped before the others. Nick and Ellie were on either side of Kurt's podium.
        To Ellie's surprise, Ziggy was among one of the twenty or so kids.
        "There's two teams. Team red for Sunnyvale, and team blue for Shadyside. If you were handed a blue bandana, go to counselor Slater," Ellie raised her hand, "if you were handed a red bandana, go to counselor Goode."


         "That's bullshit!" One of the sunnyvaler campers, Malcolm, called.
         "Congratulations, team blue," Kurt unenthusiastically yelled out.
       Ellie's team started to bounce up and down chanting, "Shadyside! Shadyside! Shadyside!"
       "Well, nice job, Ellie," Nick smiled as he walked over to the girl.
       "Stop smiling, I want you to be furious. Maybe even cry," Ellie joked.
       "You'll be the one crying when we totally annihilate your asses in color war next week."
        "Don't be a sore loser, Goode."


       "Sunnyvalers!" Kurt stood on his podium at dinner, still sore about their loss at football today, "we may have suffered a small loss today, but we will recover! Next week! Color war! Shadyside, be prepared to lose!"
        He was obnoxiously loud, his voice echoed off of the walls. Ellie sat at a table with the rest of the Shadyside counselors. She was on the very end, Nick sitting prestigiously on the end of his own table, right next to Ellie. Her gaze found his and she shook her head, bewildered at their pettiness.
When Ellie let go of their eye contact, she felt another pair of eyes on her. Melissa sat at the far corner, eyeing the girl as if she had bugs in her hair. Ellie stared back, daringly.
The harsh stare was only broken when a white piece of paper came into view on the left side of her plate.
She looked around, seeing Nick swiftly sitting back in his seat, shooting her a glance.
When she opened the note, the neat handwriting caught her eye first.

Meet me at science and nature, midnight.

Ellie's eyebrows furrowed, and she tucked the note away into her back pocket.
"Campers and counselors, get a good nights rest because tomorrow is indoor activities and a campfire to ease our muscles," Kurt finished his speech, dismissing everyone to go ahead to their cabins.

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