Kim Myungsoo And You.

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For myungsoo birthday!!!! Happy birthday to our handsome L!!

Myungsoo was walking in the cafe. With an umbrella on top of him, her saw a girl standing infront of the cafe recovering from getting her wet. It was you. you were really pissed because you forgot your umbrella. "uhh how can I forget." You hit your head as you hit your head too hard. "oww" you groan as you saw a guy infront of you. "here, take it." He said with a smile. " how, how can I?" You ask. " just take it. A girl like you shouldn't get wet." He smiled agian. "plus I have another one. Don't worry." You just stood their like an idiot as he grab your hands and you hold his umbrella. " welcome" he said and went inside of the cafe. You smile and you were squeeling to death. You did idmit he was pretty hot. You wanted to know his name but you were to scared. So you just walk away into the ran as you felt someone grab your arm. As someone spin you around, it was him. " sorry, my name ia myunsoo, and you?" You gulp and took a breath. " (y.n) " "what a pretty name for you. you don't mind, hanging out withend do you? Plus itsyes birthday too. " he let a smile showing his white teeth. "s-sure. Happy birthday myungsoo ~" he puts his arm around your shoulders and went inside the cafe. You guys became really close to eah other and haveing feeling for eachother. You think its a one side love myungsoo think it a oneside love..

He was planning to confessed to you at han river were couple go out. You and myungsoo went to han park, silence were two awkward and then. " I have something to say." Myungsoo said. "I have something to say too." You said. " oka you go first." He said with a small smile. " I like no I mean I love you myungsoo." You said really fast but myungsoo heard what ypu said clearly. "I... What?!" He ask. You were scared to death to say it agian. "ah nothing I was being selfish." You said while laughing awkward. " no. say it agian. You said, you love me?" He ask agian. " yes I love you kim myungsoo. I love you but you might not feel the same way." You said while turning embarrass you cant even look him in the eyes. " hey." He said and grab your chin. " I too, too." He said as he passionately kiss you sofe. You were fluttering and happy girl.


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