My new life

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(Your pov)

"Hey get back here!" The man yelled. I didn't stop, I just kept running. There was a root, that I did not see then I tripped. I put my hands out in front of me and landed more pressure on more left hand and I heard a 'snap!' In pain, I got up and ran. The man gave up running and just watched me disappear.

I finally stopped and hid behind a tree. I was trying to catch my breath. I heard someone, no, two people talking. I looked around the tree a little and saw what looked like two grade school boys. The one in a black t-shirt was the loud and grouchy type like he was a cat while the other one seemed more like the quiet and the shy type, almost like a mouse.

"Shh!" The boy with purple eyes said. "What is it now stupid rat!" The orange haired boy exclaimed.

One of the boys started coming my way and I quickly turned around with my knees to my chest and I hid my head in my legs. I didn't know what to do, so I began to cry silently.

The boy came over and gently shook my shoulder. I was afraid to look up, "Hey," he said gently, "are you okay? Where are your parents?" When he asked about my parents, I looked at him with tears streaming down my cheeks, "I *sniff* don't have any. *sniff* I-I'm an orphan." The boy tightly wrapped his arms around me, "Come stay with me. I'm sure Shigure wouldn't mind."

I looked at his trusting eyes and nodded my head, "My name is Yuki, Yuki Sohma." He gently smiled, "M-my name is (y/n)." I sniffled. My stomach then started ache and growled. I blushed kind of embarrassed. Yuki smiled and grabbed my hand and gently pulled me up. 'ow, ow, ow' I hissed. Yuki looked at me then my wrist. "A-Are you okay?" He had worry in his eyes. "M-my wrist, it hurts." Yuki looked at my wrist and saw it was injured. "Here, let my carry you." He carefully picked me up.

I put my good hand on his chest and said, "I-I can walk ya know." He looked at me and smiled, "Well I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself anymore then you are now." I blushed as he walked and the sun shone behind him which made him look like a prince.

On his way home, the boy Kyo started talking to me, "What the hell are you doin' out here alone! Do you know how dangerous it is to be alone?!" Kyo asked. I shook my head. "VERY! And you know what's worse, I think Ayame is at the house." I looked at him, "Whose that?" I looked at Yuki and he didn't seem too happy when I mentioned this 'Ayame.'

We finally got to their house, when all of a sudden, "YUKI!!!" A white haired boy yelled, "And whose is this?" He asked curiously and he got closer to me, "She's pretty cute." I felt my face heat up as he said that. 'He's cute and kinda looks like Yuki.' I thought to myself, "This is (y/n), She'll be staying here if Shigure will let her." Yuki said. "Oh, well he went out really quick. But while we wait, I'm Ayame Sohma, Yuki's older brother." My mouth dropped. "D-did you say older brother?!" Ayame nodded his head proudly. "That's correct."

Yuki didn't seem too happy about Ayame's presence, so he started walking. He sat me down on a chair and asked, "Would you like a drink?" I nodded my head. The grade school boy got up and got me a glass of water. "Thank you." I took a sip and a man with black hair walked. "Who is this Yuki?" He asked, "My name is (y/n)." I gave him a warm smile. The black haired man smiled, "I'm Shigure, Yuki's cousin." I smiled, "So what happened you your wrist? It looks swollen." he looked at my wrist then me. "Oh I tripped from running."

"HaHa, I remember being really full of energy." Shigure laughed. I giggled as I watched him cracking up. "Yes, and you still have A LOT of energy." We all look at a young male, about Shigure's age, walk behind him. "AH, oh Hatori, it's you."

"Who else would it be." Hatori asked sarcastically. I smiled at the doctor look-a-like. He looked my way and slightly smiled. "Oh!, this is (y/n), and since you're here, can you look at her wrist?" Shigure pointed at my left wrist and Hatori came over. "It looks like you sprained your wrist." He gently grabbed my wrist and carefully wrapped my wrist. It started from my mid- arm before my elbow to the bottom of my fingers.

He looked at me after wrapping my wrist and hand and asked, "Now, how did this happen?" I looked at him and said, "um, well I was running around and tripped on a tree ro-!" Before I could finish answering, Hatori lifted my arm sleeves. I wanted to cry not knowing what would happen. Luckily he hid my arms away from the others in the room. "Who did this to you?" He whispered. "N-no one d-did it." I lied. I made it seem a little too obvious. "Please tell me." I sighed and looked into his eyes, "I am an orphan, I was supposed to go to Yuki's school, but I was beaten up and told I was useless by the people who ran the orphanage." I started tearing up. Hatori wiped my tears away and comforted me then we talked a bit. He thought I'd be better if we walked elsewhere. We talked for a while then came back home. Hatori had to go home and work a night shift.

Yuki came over to me, "What's wrong? You talked to Hatori all day" I looked at him and thought, 'Should I tell him?' I stood up and asked, "Can we talk outside?" He nodded his head and we went out.

We walked outside and I began to speak, "*sigh*, when I was a baby, my mother couldn't take care of me. So she put me into an orphanage." I started, "After a few years, she left a note saying to send me to a grade school I could get some education. The men who ran the place there, told me that I'll never succeed in life. I was supposed to go to your school." I went on with what was going on. A few tears escaped my eyes and I finished with, "They told me more and more negative things so I ran away." Yuki looked sad the whole time I was talking, " I'm sorry miss (L/n),"

"It's the past now. I can't change it." I looked down trying not to cry. Yuki grab my hand and I looked at him in his eyes. "If you ever need anything, I'm here for you." Then the tears flooded and it started pouring down my face.

I cried into Yuki's chest. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back, comforting me. 'Thank you, Yuki.'

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