Welcome home Yuki!!!!

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(your pov)

Today is the day Yuki is coming home. I started speed walking toward where Shigure was and I accidentally ran into Kyo. "K-Kyo, I'm so sorry I-"

""It's fine." Kyo said before I could finish my sentence.

In cat form he sat down on the floor and sighed, "Anyway, what are you rushing for? Is it because Yuki is coming back?" I nodded my head. Kyo stood on all fours and grabbed his clothes in his mouth and left the room. I watched Kyo leave and after he got out I ran to Shigure and I saw him in his room finishing his story for Mitsuru (his editor). "Shigure ! I'm going to get Yuki."

"Do you want me to come with you (Y/n)?" He asked. "No Shigure you need to finish TODAY!" His editor said. "Its okay really." I smiled. "Bbbbbut, (y/n)~" I looked at Shigure and, "Well if Kyo will go with me I'll be fine, Right?" Kyo looked at me and gave Shigure a 'I don't care look.' "But (Y/n)~ you'll need an adult~"

"No really, I feel safer with Kyo. We'll be back soon." I waved before going to the hospital to get Yuki. The time we get there he should be discharged. "I know you're not a big fan of Yuki's, but thank you for coming with me." Kyo gave a little look and then looked back ahead.

~time skip~

Kyo and I made it to the hospital and walked in. We went to the front desk and I asked for 'Yuki Sohma'. She told us to wait in the waiting room. He was still getting checked out to make sure back he was fully recovered. After about 20 minutes to a half an hour later Yuki came around the corner. "Yuki!" I smiled running to him. I stopped in front of him not hugging him because I wouldn't want him to transform. "(Y/N)! It's nice to see you and I see you brought Kyo." Yuki smiled, "Tch" Kyo turned his head not looking at either me or Yuki.
We all got home safe and sound. "Welcome home Yuki." Shigure walked out of his room that he was in for maybe three hours. "Hello Shigure. I must say its nice to be back." Yuki smiled then looked at me. Shigure stretched then looked at me, "(Y/N), don't you think we should have a welcome home dinner?"

"That's a great idea Shigure!" I looked at Yuki, "You don't have to do that." I shook my head, "I want to, really." 

(Yuki's pov) 

While (y/n) was cooking in the kitchen, I sat down with Shigure and Kyo. No matter what Kyo acted the same but different. "How have you been Kyo?" I asked, "Ya damn rat! You got me scared!" He yelled then looked away. I stood still not sure what to say next. Before saying anything, (y/n) walked in with the food that smelled a lot better then the food in the hospital, "Wow (y/n)! \It smells GREAT!" (y/n) blushed and laid out different types of sushi, Rice balls, Fish, and Miso soup. 

We all began to eat and enjoyed every part of it. "This is amazing!" I said. "Thanks!" (y/n) smiled and continued eating. After eating the dinner (y/n) went to the Kitchen and started cleaning up the dishes and all. I walked behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. (y/n) jumped for a second but calmed down after realizing that it was me. "Are you okay Yuki?" (y/n) asked, stopping what she was doing and I turned her around to give her a kiss. She hesitated but kissed back. "I love you (y/n)."

Sorry for this chapter to take forever but here it is. And sorry for it being so short. Hope you enjoyed it. If you have any ideas you can leave a comment or inbox me. Thanks for reading. Please vote. Mkay.............. Byeeeeeeeee

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