The Girl Who Cried Wolf

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They're here. I know because I they've been walking by every night for the past week. As I sneak a peek out the kitchen window, I wonder which wolf I will see first. Will it be the black one with the bone trembling snarl? Will it be the chocolate brown one with one white paw and wise eyes? Will it be the beige one that keeps to himself? Or to my greatest hope, will it be the sandy brown wolf with the yellow eyes?

The leader of the pack.

You can tell he is the leader by the way he holds himself in front of the group, making sure there is no danger ahead for his pack. The way one snap of his jaws shuts the others up for farther instructions. There's something wrong with this pack though, the way they look at you and the way they seem so fearless... it almost seems human.


New story idea :D Tell me what you think?

Tamara <3 

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