Guardians of the Lost

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If you ever find yourself lost in the woods, do not fear

For although you may not know it yet, a guardian is near

Do you see that impossibly tall creature lurking in the distance?

That creature who moves so fast, if you blink, you miss it?

I know it looks like a scary monster that wants you to die

But in truth, it's a friend, protector, comforter and ally

And that hissing, rattling noise from underneath

That's not a snake, but someone quite sweet

And the creature lumbering through the trees

He can carry the injured and lost with ease

And that spindly, spidery creature who wears the wide, grisly smile

She lurks in the branches above to watch over you for a while

I'm sure you find all of these sights disturbing and frightening

But if you listen to me, I promise that what I have to say is enlightening

For once, the reality is actually better than what it seems

These creatures are not made from nightmares, but dreams

They are not stalking the night looking for people to eat

They are looking for the lost and lonely, those who seem dead on their feet

They rescue lost and weary wanderers from twisted wood

They aren't evil or hungry at all, on the contrary, they're very good!

Not every ugly monster is automatically an enemy

In fact, all of these guys are quite friendly!

It is only cruel fate that their faces and appearances look so terrifying

But I promise that a meetup with them is always satisfying

They call themselves the Guardians of the Lost

And they protect the innocent at any cost

They come and go as they please

Exploring through the trees

Until they find some poor lost soul

And then care for them all the way home

So next time you're lost, just call out for aid!

These creatures will not make you wait

It is their pride and joy to help those in need

I'm not sure what makes them so kind, but they are indeed!

They will help you home so you won't feel too scared

And when it comes to comforting humans, they are prepared

And look, here comes someone now

Don't you see that even though he's scary, he's giving a bow?

It's his way of trying to be polite

And if you should wish it, he'll watch over you all night

He may not have eyes, but his sockets can still see

And yes, his long claws and hands are scary

But they are useful for saving people in any hard-to-reach place

So please, don't get fixated on his terrifying face

And even though he can move terrifying quick

I promise, it's just to help people get home in a jiff

He's also incredible strong

So if you need a ride home, just hop on!

He'll take you wherever you want to go

There's just one thing you need to know

Be kind to our monstrous allies

Just because they look bad doesn't mean they're bad guys

Now, I hope you two have a safe journey on!

I know you will both absolutely get along!

AN: I just like the idea of scary, powerful monsters using their abilities to protect and befriend humans.

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