The Roots Sunk In Too Deep

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Please cut the roots before they grow too deep.

I yearn and long for the eternal and endless sleep.

But I cannot rest so long as my eyes aren't closed.

And I'm too scared to shut them myself against the cold.

So I need someone else to do it for me.

Take those cutters and lead me to eternity.

You have to do it and hurry fast,

For my nerve and courage will not last.

That is the fear, the roots, and the chain.

As tormenting as this life is, at least there is familiarity in pain.

But why must all we linger here?

Where lives nothing but dread, horror, and fear?

But to ask me to turn and completely let go...

I want to, but how? I do not know.

Alas, the roots have already spread and twisted too deep.

Even below the dark depths where I was planted as a seed.

And now I fear that I'm too deeply rooted below.

That these things that tether me to the earth will to me never lose hold.

Perhaps it is too late for me because I let the vines sink in too deep.

So do not make the mistake I did, for I still long for an easy sleep.

AN: Randomly thought of trees and roots as a metaphor for life and death and stuff, but I promise I'm fine, my brain just randomly churned out an angsty poem, lol!

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