The Reflection

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There was an old mirror that hung on a wall.

It rested at the very end of a very dark hall.

The legends warned never to look within.

The face you'd see there would be riddled with sin.

It was a mirror that did not show the face, but the soul.

And the reflection was always evil, ugly and cold.

It was the darkness of humanity.

Never was the refection in that mirror pretty.

Sometimes people would look inside for fun.

They liked to see their evil reflections and then run.

They liked to see their violent natures in the glass.

But after a time, they'd get bored and on they'd pass.

But then along came I.

I stared into that mirror and was not surprised.

I saw a face who looked gentle, kind, good, pure and fair.

I saw an angel rather than a demon waiting for me there.

The reflection in the mirror looked sad, scared and sweet.

But that's because, in my case, the real monster was me.

Oh how silly and typical of you to think that the evil one is the one stuck inside the mirror... This time, the Evil One is on the outside!

AN: Like the last chapter, this just deals with the "Good Person v Bad Person" thing, only it subverts the trope that the Bad Person is always the one IN the mirror rather than the one outside of it.

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