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"Uhhh, because we're not idiots?" Andrew snorted.

"But-but-but!" Benjamin stuttered, lowering his massive gun in complete and utter shock.

"But-but-but!" Carrie mimicked his sputtering with a laugh. "Honestly, boy, how do you think we survived so long in a dying world?"

"Through the survival of the fittest?" Benjamin sounded small and meek now, all of his macho totally gone.

"Exactly," Carrie replied. "But what does that truly mean?" she asked. When Benjamin could only shake his head, Andrew answered for him.

"Survival of the fittest doesn't just mean that the strongest survive," he said. "It means that those who are best suited to their environments survive. Strength is not always a necessary prerequisite. I mean yeah, sure, it helps to be physically strong, but that's far from the only option."

"Yes, there are many other skills you can use to your advantage that will aid in your survival," Carrie agreed. "And as perhaps insane as it may sound, some of those skills and traits include things like diplomacy, docility, empathy, serenity, positivity, compassion, compromise..."

"But those are wussy traits!" Benjamin interrupted, rough hands tightening around his gun again.

"It's the end of the world, dude," Andrew snorted. "You think anyone really cares about that stuff anymore?"

"Besides," Carrie continued. "I think those "wussy traits" are worth more than your muscle, because without those "wussy traits", Andrew and I would have killed each other on sight rather than finding a way to work together," she paused to smile fondly at him.

"Our friendship and mutual survival came into existence because we were able to wait. We were able to be patient, peaceful, polite and passive, rather than immediately going for the gun, even though that was both of our first instincts. But it was those "wussy traits" that allowed us to survive long enough to see this day together. Because we had to work as a team to survive, and that increased our odds of making it!"

"Cooperation is vital for successful survival and civility," Andrew agreed, returning Carrie's smile. "There's a reason why even the grittiest of apocalyptic films always seemed to advocate for a group-mentality over a lone-wolf mentality. How do you think society was formed the first time?"

"Well I've been doing just fine on my own!" Benjamin protested haughtily. "I've survived like this for over a year now!"

"Well maybe so far, you've done well. But your odds would be even better and more secure if you joined a group," Andrew said.

"Besides, are you really sure you're doing that fine?" asked Carrie. "I mean, yes, you look healthy enough, but you freaked out like a little baby when you saw us coming. You saw two scrawny teenagers walking along the plains and your first reaction was to try to shoot us dead. If not for our bulletproof vests, we would've had about 20 holes in us each! Are you really sure you are as well as you think?"

"The loneliness will get to you," Andrew agreed with a severe nod. This had almost been his downfall before meeting Carrie. The complete and utter isolation and lack of human interaction nearly drove him mad. He was willing to bet Benjamin was close to that edge, even if he refused to admit it.

"But groups can lead to backstabbing!" Benjamin tried again, eyes darting between Andrew and Carrie.

"That is also true," Carrie admitted. "But it's either trust or paranoia. I know which one is less mentally draining. And I know which one is vital to my survival, even if it's the more uncomfortable option at first. It's a gamble, but it's all I got. It's either team up, or die."

"Besides, it's human nature to seek out company and companionship. We are pack animals deep down and we were not meant to live our lives totally alone," said Andrew. "Our history as the dominant species on Earth has stemmed partly from our ability to cooperate and work together."

"Don't you see?" Carrie pleaded with Benjamin. "The truest strength is not muscle, but vulnerability. Without openness and trust, humans would never pack-bond, and that pack-bonding mentality is what helped us survive our genesis. Maybe it will help us survive our apocalypse too."

"You aren't... offering me a spot with you guys... are you?" Benjamin asked warily. It was clear he still didn't exactly want to join up with a group, but Andrew and Carrie had offered up such good points that at least he had lowered his gun again.

"Sure. We've got room," Carrie shrugged. "We only ask that you try to be calmer, quieter and kinder."

"What?" Benjamin's voice lowered and his eyes narrowed again. His hands also tightened around his gun.

"Oh, keep it, if you wish," Carrie amended dismissively. "But you will soon see that it is not necessary. This apocalypse will not be won by strength of body, but by strength of heart and mind. It will not be brutality that wins this war, but peace. Collaboration!"

"Peace?" Benjamin snorted. "This gun can bring home dinner."

"That much is true," Carrie admitted again. "And it will indeed be useful to have a hunter with us. But even so, Andrew and I have managed to make a fairly healthy living off of scavenging and farming. I know it sounds lame, but it's kept us alive. Besides, even we are not alone," she added.

"Yeah, we actually came from a secret base a few miles away," Andrew said. "We were only out scavenging. But there are a lot more of us back home. Each of us has a role to play and each of us helps ensure the survival of the other. Guns are not needed where we're going. I mean, like Carrie said, feel free keep it. We won't judge you for that. I just mean that you probably won't need it as much as you used to.

"But I think you ought to see that as a blessing rather than a curse. Wouldn't it be nice to finally live in peace and safety, rather than always clutching your gun for fear of death or danger?" he asked and although Benjamin did not answer aloud, he had to admit that Andrew's offer sounded pretty nice. A place where he could rely on others and not just himself? Getting to split the workload? That would be great!

Then something else occurred to Benjamin as well. Through their entire argument, starting from the second Benjamin had first panicked and tried to pump them full of lead, they had remained totally calm. Never once did they grow mad or scared. What kind of power did they have that allowed them to be so calm and confident, even in the face of death? Benjamin began to see and understand this, and he wanted some of that power too. He wanted to know where their courage came from. He wanted to feel that safe in the face of death too.

He was the only one that had gotten defensive during their encounter. That said more about him than them, and it proved that maybe they were right after all. Maybe he wasn't surviving as well as he had thought. And maybe they knew something he didn't. Maybe they were on the right track. Maybe war wasn't the most logical answer. Maybe it was time to give peace a chance. Well, there was only one way to know for sure...

AN: Another apocalyptic AU where, for once, peace and unity is the answer, not violence and distrust. I know we like watching chaotic apocalyptic films but, TBH, I feel like the most rational decision would be to work together. But that's just my idealistic self I suppose.

This was also inspired off a Tumblr post where OP wanted a soft apocalypse that focused on teamwork rather than death, despair, destruction and distrust.

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